Another Handsome Kim

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A rush of energy went through me.

    'Really?' I asked super excited. His smile didn't leave his face and neither did mine. This was exactly what I had been waiting for.

   'Yes, so I think Jin will contact you about when you will start and all the logistics but as I still have you in my class, although for the last week, I thought I'd tell you in person.'

I nodded, still feeling over the moon.

   'Thank you so much sir.'

    'No need to thank me, we were impressed by your letter, and our recruiter was also enthusiastic so we made the decision fast.'

I was flattered by his kind words.

    'Thank you again'

I was on cloud nine, I had secured myself the perfect job. This was insane.

I couldn't say Taehyung reacted super excited when I told him that evening over dinner. I mean he tried to respond with a smile and that meant a lot to me. He really tried to be happy for me but it was very clear it bothered him.

Today I was about to meet Seokjin to discuss everything related to the job. He had asked me to come to the department building, so here I was. I was a bit nervous to be honest. I mean Namjoon seemed to be impressed but what if this man is super grumpy and not such a fan?

I was waiting at the coffee area where we were supposed to meet in 2 minutes. As soon as it was 12:00 a man approached from the hallway. I recognized him. At some point the girls in class were discussing something about a guy that they saw at campus, they were all rather obsessing about who this gorgeous man was. One of the girls secretly made a picture of him at the cafeteria, I felt rather uneased about it as it was kind of an invasion of privacy. Though I had to admit he was surely not a painful appearance for the eyes.

The opposite I would say.

   'Miss y/n?' he inquired and I nodded

   'Very nice to meet you, I am Kim Seokjin but people call me Jin.'

Oh shocker, another handsome Kim. 

  'Nice to meet you too Jin.'

Jin was very polite and he slowly explained everything about the project. I didn't dare to ask him but I guessed he was only a few years older than Taehyung.

Eventually he showed me my little office.

   'I get my own office?' I asked surprised

    'yes ofcourse! you can even decorate it if you want.' he said a little bit jokingly.

    'Lucky me' I answered in the same tone.

He laughed

    'Okay I think I have told you everything I needed to. Is it all clear?'

I nodded 'Thank you.'

    'You can perhaps already start with some prereadings?' Jin suggested and I looked at the computer in my office

     'That's a good idea I'll start right away.'

    'Someone is eager I see' Jin said while he put his hands together

    'Always.' I answered again as a joke.

    'I'd better leave you to it then.' he said and he started to make his way out. Before he left he suddenly turned around.

    'oh and Namjoon asked me to tell you that there will be a Christmas party in two weeks already. If you would like to attend you can. It would be a good way to socialize with people'

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