The Perfect Job

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Weeks passed again. The encounters with Namjoon were indeed limited and when they occurred they were very civil and exactly like we agreed upon; like a student and teacher. 

Taehyung did seem to text or call me more often if I wasn't at home yet when he returned home. I sometimes, as before, would study until late in the library. I did have the feeling he did that more now that he was aware that Namjoon was my teacher.

I also started to look for a side job for next to my studies. I wanted to have my own money. and not be indebted to either my parents or Taehyung. Tae had repeatedly indicated it wasn't a problem for him at all but it just didn't feel right.

I knew that after this masters I actually wanted to do a PHD, so having a side job at the university would be the most ideal situation. Though there weren't that many so I was a bit doubting about how long I would only focus on those kinds of jobs. At some point I needed to be open for other jobs as well.

For the fifth time this week I was scrolling through various job posting websites. It made me more despondent and desperate every time I gave it another shot.

There was just nothing.

Until today, and I suddenly saw the job posting. It was that of a student research assistant. I got that thrilling feeling, this was perfect. I immediately clicked on it and read through it. It was even about art, exactly what I wanted to do that PHD in, after my masters. Then my eyes landed on one of the last bullet points.

"You will work with a team of esteemed scholars led by Kim Namjoon"


I wouldn't necessarily be enthusiastic if Taehyung were to work with one of his previous bed partners.

I sighed in frustration. This was indeed the perfect job, mostly with an eye on my future, it would open all kinds of doors. Besides, having that experience I would also build a network of contacts who were operating in that academic world.

I shook my head, but it would definitely not be nice to Tae.

Days passed, the deadline was in a week so I had some time. I couldn't get the job opening out of my head though. I mean me and Namjoon behaved entirely normally and it was so long ago. Should I really not give this a shot?

Eventually I decided to first ask Namjoon more information about the opening, and especially how close I was to work with him. That was namely the point that I was struggling with. Perhaps it wasn't even that much, and it wouldn't be such a big deal.

I was having a coffee with Luna right before class. 

     'Something is bugging you' she said

     'I saw the perfect job posting' I indicated. Her face lit up 'that's good news right, what kind of job is it?'

    'It's a student research assistant, in the art department.'

    'woah y/n that's exactly what you've been looking for. plus it's so important for your prospects on a PHD. Did you already apply?'

I shook my head. 

   'Why in the world not? are you nervous?'

    'The team is led by Kim Namjoon.'

The excitement disappeared completely from Luna's face.

    'Oh' she let out.


Luna shook her head 'no. you know what, you can't let this opportunity pass by because of that. You had a super short fling with him years ago. I understand that you're worried that it won't sit well with Taehyung, but he surely must see this is an opportunity you have to take.'

I fumbled with my hands, because she exactly explained my worries.

    'Perhaps... I was thinking of talking to Namjoon after class. Get a clear picture on how much I would actually interact with him to begin with'

   'That sounds like a good idea' Luna agreed. She then looked at her watch.

   'Oh it's time to go.'

We got up and left for class. During class I was mainly thinking of the questions that I wanted to ask Namjoon, well there was only truly one question I wanted to ask.

Luckily time passed fast and the bell rang indicating we were free to go.

   'Okay students, I will see you again tomorrow' Namjoon said and everyone got up to leave.

So did Luna and me. I was outside the classroom waiting till everyone had left.

    'You don't have to wait for me' I indicated and Luna nodded in understanding.

I returned to class and Namjoon was packing his stuff. He looked up as I entered. 'hey y/n, did you forget something?'

    'uhm no I actually wanted to discuss something with you.'

Namjoon stopped with packing his bag.

     'Certainly, you want to sit down?' he asked nudging at a chair in the front. 'no it's fine, I had some additional questions about the job vacancy of student research assistant. I saw it was posted online and I would be very interested in applying for this job'

    'What is it that you would like to know?'

   'Uhm for example are the hours set or during exam periods is there any leeway?' I had decided during class I would start with a different question. To create a laid back atmosphere. 'oh very nice to hear that the job posting caught your eye, you would be a very good candidate indeed. and about the hours yes, it is pretty flexible, though we do have set deadlines and those need to be met, but those often are not around the exam period as that is also not convenient for all of us'

    'Ah okay that's clear, and uhm how much are we then working together?' I asked rather embarrassed.

   'I will lead the team but you will mainly work together with a colleague of mine and not me, he is called Kim Seokjin. He is a very smart and kind person'

    'Okay, thank you' I replied, as a thank you for answering my question.

   'No problem, any other questions that I can answer?'

    'No that was it, thank you so much.'

    'Again no problem y/n. I look forward to seeing your application in my mailbox' Namjoon said with a smile and I bowed.

    'Yes, well good day' I said and I left.

I caught myself being affected by Namjoon. I knew it was wrong but he was so kind and mature and his looks didn't help either. He had something that attracted me to him. 

I shook my head. No you can't think like that. Especially not if you seriously want to apply for this job.

He is just a guy and foremost he is not Taehyung.

My thinking  was disturbed by Luna who suddenly appeared behind me.

    'So how did it go?'

    'It was good, apparently if I get the job I will mainly work with a colleague of his and not him.'

    'That's great! So now you can tell Taehyung you will apply' Luna said it as if it was some sort of happy conversation.

I knew Taehyung, and I knew it wasn't going to be an easy talk. 

I nodded 'yeah I am just not sure yet what the best way is to discuss it.' 

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