An Unexpected Reunion

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y/n pov

I was walking towards my first lecture of the new course. Luna was walking next to me talking about the Christmas holiday we just had. We hadn't seen each other in a while because I went back to Daegu to spend time with my family. Luna was my roommate and best friend.

We arrived early in the lecture hall and decided to sit in one of the middle rows. Everyone slowly started to arrive and took a seat, this course was quite large as we were with around 200 students. It surprised me mr Lee was not here yet. I followed a class of his in my first year and he was very punctual.

   'oh my, who is that' Luna spoke out and I looked up, my heart skipped a beat as I looked at the person she was referring to. A guy with curly black hair walked in, he was wearing greenish pants and a nude color sweater.

    'Taehyung' I whispered inaudibly. 

     'What?' Luna asked. 

     'No nothing' I quickly said. 

My hands became sweaty and I felt a shiver going up my spine. This couldn't be happening. How did this guy still have this effect on me after five fucking years.

     'He is one fine looking man' Luna continued probably not noticing my behavior. She wasn't the only one who had something to say about him, quite some sound emerged throughout the lecture hall.

Taehyung walked towards the middle of the front standing at the platform for the teacher. I didn't understand, where was mr lee? He cleared his throat and everyone became quiet. 

    'Hi my name is Kim t.. ' I saw him looking at me while he stopped talking, his eyes wide spread, then he quickly looked away. 

  'Taehyung, and I will be your new teacher for this course. Mr Lee unfortunately has taken an early retirement due to personal circumstances that have happened over Christmas break'

'I do not mind at all' Luna whispered to me but I stayed focused on trying my best to act naturally. 

  'I first would like to warn you, this course will not be easy, you will need to hand in a paper every week for the first semester and we will end the second semester with an exam. All details can be found in the course manual online.' 

His eyes were trailing back to me numerous times

   'Okay let's begin.'

It was hard to focus, my thoughts distracted me too much. When the bell rang indicated it was the end of the lecture I didn't know how fast I was with packing my stuff. 

  'Alright class remember next week is already the deadline for your first paper, so I recommend to start with it right away. if you have any questions don't hesitate to email me' Taehyung rounded up the class.

  'Enjoy your evenings.'

I got up already packing everything and I looked impatiently at Luna.

  'Let's go.'

   'Uh okay, why the hurry?' she asked perplexed as we usually were one of the people that were last to leave the lecture hall.

  'Just.. nothing' I said while pressing her to move towards the exit, I felt Taehyung's eyes following my every move. When I was finally outside I took a deep breath.

  'Are you okay y/n? you're behaving strange'

I wanted to tell her, but in a way I didn't, it would only complicate things. He was my teacher now. She knew the story about my ex but I never told her his name.

  'Yeah I just don't feel great.'

  'Hmm okay let's go home, I'll make your favorite noodles' Luna said trying to cheer me up.

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