For My Sake

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I walked towards where he was seated, he was reading a book very attentively.

        'Is this seat taken?' I asked Namjoon while nudging at the chair. Namjoon looked at me surprised and then shook his head.

         'This is certainly a dejavu' I indicated and he chuckled as I was referring to our very first meeting in Seoul's library.

He glanced at the book in my hand.

        'Broadening your horizon, I see?'

I chuckled 'uhm yes I will go to an exhibition about it.'

        'Very good.'

       'And what are you reading?' I asked in return, but I already saw the title:  "Kafka on the Shore"

It was again one of these typical wtf moments because it was the book he talked about when I first met him, he said it was one of his favorited but now he was really reading it.

       'Ah one of your favorites' I added as he held it up showing me the tile. He nodded 'I will never get enough of this.'

       'How are you feeling?' he asked as I sat down.

       'uhm I am alright..' I answered not super convincing though.

There was a silence.

        'I hope you feel better soon y/n' he indicated with much sympathy, and the fact he just completely ignored my fake reply showed me he did see right through me.

I again took his hand, just like I had done in the hospital. Maybe it was a bit like a hint and in a way it wasn't as Taehyung was still in my heart but I don't know Namjoon was someone I could just level with a lot.

He retracted his hand which was a bit unexpected and awkward.

       'Did I do something wrong?' I asked as he looked away.

He slowly turned to face me. He shook his head,

      'No, I think you're wonderful y/n but I know better than to get attached to someone that is clearly in love with someone else. I have been through that before'

He shook his head 'no that's really not me anymore'

I was unable to speak. There was a lot of information packed into the sentence, I mean he didn't like me that way and that made sense.

I guess because of tae's jealousy I started to think that Namjoon indeed was interested in me but when I think about it, he never tried anything really. But also, he apparently went through something like that and I couldn't help but wonder whether that was the reason he ended things with that girl Jin talked about, half a year ago.

He then looked down and smiled

      'You know, it wasn't a coincidence that I brought you Kimbap and tteokbokki.'

I stared at him puzzled

       'Taehyung came to see me, after I left you in the hospital. I thought he was there to fight me or something' Namjoon chuckled 'instead he asked me if I could bring you food when you were working, knowing that you spent all the time at University instead of at your friends. He offered to pay for it and told me those dishes were your favorite so you'd eat them most likely.'

My heart sank, it was so unexpected.

      'Why didn't you tell me it was from him?' I eventually let out while stammering.

      'He asked me not to tell you, he said I was right that you should focus on getting better and that he was the main stressor so yeah.'

Namjoon stared ahead while my eyes diverted down. Taehyung was behind that? and was that also the reason he suddenly messaged me less? and the reason why Jimin didn't mention him anymore?

Tears formed in my eyes, because it was such a selfless act from Taehyung's side and especially the fact he asked Namjoon to bring me the food was touching. He set aside his biggest insecurity, for me. 

He asked the person he saw as his biggest threat to look after me, for my sake.

      'You know, people make mistakes and you need to evaluate whether you can move on from that, but in your case I don't think you should question his love for you, or your love for him. I think the question is about trust. '

Namjoon was honestly the most perceptive and wisest man I had met, he could say things as they were but without judgement and mainly in a comforting way.

        'Thank you Namjoon, for everything.'

He smiled while looking down, his dimples ever so visible.

         'No problem y//n.'

We sat next to each other, both reading our books in silence but after an hour I had to leave to go to the exhibition.

         'You're leaving?' he said as I closed my book and grabbed my bag.

          'yes, I am meeting Jin to go to an art exhibition!' I said while quickly getting my stuff.

         'Oh like a date?' he asked slightly surprised. It was rather unexpected and confusing he called it that but okay. 

        'No, it's for work, the art movement is something we also write about in our research' I showed him the book. 

      'Thats why I did some pre-reading here'

       'Alright, have fun then or good luck' there was still this suspicious tone in his voice but perhaps I misinterpreted it.

       'Uhm again thank you so much for this Namjoon. You truly are a good guy.'

I quickly left and took the metro to the location of the exhibition. During the ride I went over and over the information Namjoon provided; Taehyung was basically looking out for me since we parted. I felt to urge to text him, just to check how he was doing or anything to be honest. because I honestly had no idea and in a way I felt like he knew kind of how I was doing,

Instead I called luna , she did pick up

       'Hey y/n, you left early, is everything okay?'

         'yeah I am fine, I just wanted to ask..' I took a deep breath 'did Taehyung talk to you and Jimin? and don't lie to me I want to know.'

It was silent for a while on the other side of the line.

Luna sighed

       'Yes he did'

      'Did he ask you to make sure I ate and not to mention him?' I asked additionally.

       'How did you know that?' Luna sounded very confused 'did you talk to him?' she then asked

I shook my head, not that Luna could see it but as a reflex.

        'No I didn't talk to him, but thanks for this. don't tell him I know alright?'

         'uhm okay, y/n this is a bit strange' Luna indicated

          'I know, uhm anyways I will see you tonight!'

           'yes see you tonight!'

I hung up and I soon arrived at my stop. 

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