Lightning Strikes

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Taehyung luckily didn't approach me anymore after that moment after class. I was standing outside the classroom waiting for Luna, she needed to get out of bed and also still buy lunch at the 7/11. She went to a campus party yesterday night and let's say she wasn't feeling great this morning. I was scrolling through instagram when my name was called out, as I looked up I saw Jae running towards me.

    'Y/n, how are you?' he asked. 

    'Hey Jae, I am good how are you?'

Jae was, I don't know how to describe my relationship with him, we dated a year ago and he fell for me but I couldn't reciprocate those feelings. I mean I enjoyed spending time with him but I guess I compared everything to what I felt for Taehyung and that wasn't this. I made that clear to him and he had a hard time but eventually we sometimes ended together after a party. I guess you could call it friends with benefits.

 Luna was convinced though, that Jae still had his hopes up for something more.

  'I am good, how was your holiday? I haven't talked to you in so long.'

I smiled at him and nodded.

  'Yes, my holiday was nice what about yours?'

We talked about the holiday for a while and I started to notice that more students passed us indicating it was almost time for our lecture.

  'I think I should go to my lecture' I eventually said.

Jae scratched his neck, which I knew by now indicated he was nervous.

  'Yes I was wondering if you'd like to go for dinner sometime this week?'

And right at that point I saw Taehyung close by, obviously he heard it as the hallway was as good as empty by now.


He slowly walked passed us as if he waited to hear my answer.

  'I uhm, yes that's fine, just text me' I indicated, not entirely sure this was a good idea but for some childish reason I wanted Taehyung to see or hear that I wasn't shaken up by his arrival. Jae smiled widely.

  'Sure will do, bye y/n' he walked away and I entered the lecture hall.

Luna probably fell asleep again and wouldn't join this class. She could have let me know though. 

After class I stayed in the university library to work on my third paper, it was getting dark and I needed to get home for dinner. I walked out and felt the raindrops touching my skin.

Just perfect

I didn't bring my umbrella with me. The rain developed into a bad storm very fast. Hopefully the bus will arrive soon.

Suddenly lightning struck and thunder emerged, I immediately got scared.

Should I go back to the library?

No you are 22 for gods sake.

It's just lightning and I was already almost at the bus station so I'd just wait there.

Time passed and the bus didn't show up. Suddenly a car stopped, the window opened and I saw Taehyung's face. 

  'Y/n, where do you need to go? I can drive you home.'

   'No thank you sir, I will wait for the bus.'

  'I know you hate the lightning.'

  'No really it's okay sir, thank you very much.'

Another lightning struck making me jump a little.

  'Just get in the fucking car y/n' he raised his voice at me.

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