Picture Perfect

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y/n pov

It was rather nice not to have to hand in a paper every week. I knew when the exam would come closer Id feel differently and I would study 24/7. For now I would however, enjoy the fact I had a Saturday off. Luna went to Jimin for the weekend, he lived in Busan now and they travelled weekends to each other. They were not formally in a relationship but I guess it was pretty close to that.

I hadn't gone home since my fight with Jackson. I just didn't want to face him or explain everything to my parents. He was always their favorite. It wasn't a coincidence he still lived at home while I got out at my 18th. I mean I can't say it like that but I was an "accident", that's why him and me were 5 years apart. They basically gave Jackson the job to raise and protect me "as they were to busy", that's why Jackson always meant the world to me. My parents didn't plan me in their tight career pursuing schedule.

My phone buzzed and I saw taehyung was calling. My heart skipping a beat, I still felt nervous when he texted or called, like nervous in a good way.

  'Hi Tae'

  'y/n, what are you doing today?' He had this excitement in his voice.

  'Uhm nothing much.'

   'Are you interested in going on a date?'

As if I needed to think about this


  'Okay I will pick you up in an hour is that okay?'


   'See you in an hour.'

When he hung up I quickly walked to my bedroom opening my closet, getting various pieces of clothing out. Even though he had seen me so often the past months I still wanted to look extra pretty on this date. I tried around four different combinations eventually choosing something that was comfortable but that also suited me well.

Exactly an hour later the doorbell rang and I excitedly walked to the door as I opened up I saw a big bouquet of flowers.

  'These are for you' Taehyung said with a big boxy smile. I took the flowers still surprised and shy from this beautiful surprise.

'Thank you so much Tae.'

I looked at him and was contemplating of giving a kiss on the cheek or on the lips. I saw how he also looked at my lips so I decided to go for the latter.

   'I will put these in a vase wait' I indicated walking back into the apartment. He followed and as I was putting the flowers in I turned my head to him and he smiled at me.

   'What?' I asked while my heart fluttered. 

   'You look really pretty.'

My cheeks flustered again. 'Yhm thank you, I wasn't sure what to wear as you didn't tell me what we are going to do.'

   'It's a surprise' he answered and I watched him with a penetrating look as if I could guess from his face what we were going to do.

We left the apartment and got into tae's car.

   'So did you already have lunch?' he asked and I shook my head, I was so focused on preparing for the date I even forgot to eat.

   'That's good because we will have lunch' he added. I was so curious about what we were going to do.

We left the busy area of Seoul to the outskirts of the city. We stopped at a park with a connecting forest. He got out of the car and so did I. He got a big picnic basket from the trunk.

   'We will start with a picnic lunch then.'

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

   'You prepared this?' 'yes, and the park is a hidden gem I know nobody will see us here together.'

We sat down in the grass. The park was beautiful but indeed kind of abandoned.

    'I am sorry I can't take you out to the cinema or something.'

    'That's okay Taehyung, this is amazing' I said nudging to the picnic he had prepared. He pulled out a wrapped package from his bag and handed it to me.

   'This is for you.'

    'uhm why?' I asked

    'Its for your birthday, I know its early.'

    'That's in two months' I chuckled.

    'Just open it.'

I opened it and inside was a beautiful camera.

'Tae this is too much, it's beautiful but no way.'

'You need it for this date, we are going to do photography. besides I missed your past 4 birthdays so cumulatively this is for all those birthdays.'

I laughed out loud.

'What could I argue against brilliant arguments like that.'

He laughed, his boxy smile appearing.

There was this sudden moment that I took him in, like the person that he was. How I had felt something was missing all these years and now I felt whole again. I knew it sounded strange but that was the feeling he gave me.

   'I am so indescribable in love with you' I blurted out and his eyes widened slightly

He leaned in kissing me. Then he took my hands in his and gazed into my eyes. 

  'y/n, I swear I'll never leave again'

We spent the afternoon walking through the park and the nearby forest, taking dozens of pictures. Of nature, animals and each other.

Eventually we ended back in the grass, I was sitting between Taes leg my back against his chest. his arms around me.

I was scrolling through my camera looking at the pictures I took. I felt the light touch of taehyung's lips on the crook of my neck as he placed small kisses.

    'I love this picture of you' I said and I moved the camera closer to him.

    'Its really good, so my classes are not for nothing' he said as a joke and I scoffed.

'so next, I wanted to take you to a restaurant but there would still be a chance someone would see us so I thought maybe have dinner at my place?' he suggested and I agreed. I knew I wouldn't feel at ease eating out in the open anyways.

It didn't stay with dinner that night as I slept over and we made love most of the night.

Sunday morning we spent super lazy in bed until I really needed to get home because I needed to still clean everything before Luna returned.

'I'll bring you' Taehyung said and I told him that wasn't necessary but he didn't budge. 

During the car ride we listened to music, we arrived at my place and I kissed Taehyung goodbye while getting out the car. I walked to the door of the complex smiling to myself like an idiot. I suddenly saw Jae. He looked shocked. I tried to act as naturally as possible.

Would he have seen?

I walked towards Jae putting on my best fake smile.

  'Hi Jae, what are you doing here?'

  'Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me. you didn't pick up your phone so I went here but nobody opened up I was about to leave actually.'

   'oh uhm sorry Jae, but today is actually not a good day.'

He didn't break any eye contact but looked seriously at me.

   'Are you seeing anyone else?'

   'Uhm no, jae its just I don't think it is good what we are doing.'

   'Whose car was it you got out of?'

There was this curiosity and judgement in his voice. It was the way he said it that I understood.


He saw and he knew.

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