The Truth

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y/n pov

Luna left and I saw more students had the idea to discuss the paper, it struck me that 90% of them were the female students. I joined the line at the last place.

This would take some time.

After what seemed forever it was finally my turn. Taehyungs body language already changed when he saw me, he seemed uncomfortable.

  'Sir I would like to talk about my paper' I said nervously.

   'What is it that you would like to discuss miss y/l/n/'

  'I uhm'

I hesitated feeling in an awkward position

   'I have received the highest grade for every paper so far and I would not feel comfortable if that was done out of guilt or favoritism' I stated it exactly as I had studied it in my head before

Taehyung now looked at me very stern, but I could detect a hint of sadness in there. 

   'Really y/n?, I know what you are suggesting but know that I would never do something like that. your papers are of high quality, they are well structured and the conclusion is always spot on.'

My cheeks started to turn red, partly I was ashamed for making that suggestion and partly I was flattered by his compliment.

  'I wish you wouldn't doubt your own intelligence and ability in this course' he mumbled and I didn't know where to look.

'I uh.. okay thank you sir.'

Weeks passed and I was getting in a way used to Taehyung as a teacher, it sucked but it became the new normal so to say. The encounter in his car however still had some effect on me.

I meant what I said that day.

We finally had weekend though, so some days without seeing his face.

  'y/n, tonight is the night, I am feeling it'

   'What are you talking about' I said laughing at her unclear message.

   'We are going out, I know the encounter with that asshole hurt you and I know the best way to lift your mood. An evening of dancing with me.'

I wasn't that much in the mood but it wouldn't hurt either right?

I dressed up quite nicely and we drank some white wine before going into the club. I was feeling the alcohol but not in an unpleasant way. We liked this club as it had a sitting part and a dancing part so you could always choose depending in what kind of mood you were.

We were dancing and having a good time. Luna's eyes fixated on someone and her mouth dropped.

   'God really had a good day when he created that guy' she said tome and I laughed while I trailed her eyes. And indeed the guy was extremely handsome.

It was obvious something was happening between the two of them and the guy approached us. They started to dance together and I had to admit the guy had moves.

   'I like your shirt' Luna said, she had a thing for striped shirts. the guy smiled at her random as fuck comment.

   'This is my favorite shirt, you know what it's made of?'

Luna shook her head indicating she didn't know.

   'Boyfriend material.'

Even though it was a bit cringe this guy was smooth and he laughed at his own stupid joke, making us laugh as well.

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