Our Future

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y/n pov

Me and Taehyung were on our way to Jimin's place. Luna had asked for a double date with Jimin and Taehyung and it had been a while since the last time we had done that. Because Luna and I both started a new course and Taehyung his new teaching. Jimin was the only for whom nothing changed that much as he had a stable job.

Luna, with Jimin by her side, happily opened the door when we arrived.

    'Welcome, welcome' she exclaimed, I chuckled she welcomed us as if it was her place and not Jimins. Jimin and Taehyung hugged each other and we made our way to the living room in which we all sat down.

It was really nice to have this kind of evening again. It had been some time but it was always a lot of fun. Jimin and tae went together really well and me and Luna ofcourse as well.

As we were seated they looked at each other with this excitement and then turned to us.

    'We are moving in together' they exclaimed elated in sync.

      'whatt, congratulations!' I replied surprised and Taehyung also congratulated them. I was rather taken aback as we weren't inside the place for merely 5 minutes before they brought this news. Jimin went to his fridge and took out a champagne bottle. 

     'I bought this to celebrate'

     'We are so happy for you' I said

     'Are you going to move in here?' Taehyung asked Luna.

She shook her head 'no, no we have found a more appropriate apartment. I mean this one is fine of course but it's a bit small and we were thinking if we combine what we both pay now we can get something really nice.'

    'so you already found something?' I asked interested

She smiled widely while nodding.

     'Ah show her the pictures my love' Jimin indicated while he poured the champagne. Luna got out her phone and started to show me.

     'Woah this looks incredible! Amazing that you got it' I indicated.

I will admit that I felt a small sting of jealousy, the place looked gorgeous and also like a place Taehyung and me could not afford at all at the moment.

    'Yes we will even have a guest room, so that is very nice' Luna indicated

    'Yes so if one of you want to stay when you get sick of eachother' Jimin joked and I chuckled.

    'Oh when are you moving? can I already make a reservation?' I said teasingly, while looking at Tae.

Taehyung playfully hit me and then put his arm around me pulling me closer.

    'Oh my girlfriend is such a funny person' he said while the others laughed. I kissed him shortly on the cheek.

    'Alright alright cut the cuteness already' Jimin joked and we laughed again.

We spent the evening drinking (except for Taehyung because he was driving) and talking and playing games.

At the end of the night we said our goodbyes and went home.

As we arrived I poured us some water and gave Taehyung one of the glasses. We both leaned against the kitchen counter.

   'Perhaps we should also look at a bigger place, I mean the apartment is fine but just small' Taehyung indicated.

I shrugged 'I like our small apartment, and we don't make the same money Jimin does, plus Luna's parents are also more loaded. but I can save up money now so perhaps when I work full time after this year we can?'

    'Okay' he said but there was a bit of sadness in his voice.

    'I mean we don't need more space like we don't really need a guest room right? and what else will we do with it?'

Taehyung looked sideways at me and chuckled

   'I wasn't thinking of guests love.'

My cheeks flustered and a warm feeling filled up my body as I understood he was talking about kids. We had sometimes discussed it briefly as in; we both wanted kids at some point. but this was probably the first time it became more tangible as he showed an interest in a bigger place so that we can have a place for the kids as well.

He now stood in front of me, putting his arms around my waist. 

   'ah did I make you flustered?'

   'You are thinking of those things already?' I let out. Taehyung nodded 'yes ofcourse, aren't you?'

    'No I am but you know our relationship isn't that long and I don't know anything can happen and you know you're ' I was babbling uncontrollably. The thing was that ofcourse I had imagined having children with Taehyung but there was an insecurity from my side that he perhaps was not.

He pulled me closer. 'baby, why are you rambling like that? What are you really thinking?'

I sighed 'I don't know, it's stupid but I didn't expect you to be sure about wanting children with me.'

His face turned into shock 'why wouldn't I think about our future?, ofcourse I do. I can't wait frankly but I want you to focus on your degree and career first. but please promise me to never worry about that again because there is nothing I'd rather want.'

Perhaps it was the booze that Jimin kept refilling, making me tipsy, or perhaps I was just emotional but my eyes teared up.

   'Hey I know that the thought of finishing a masters and having a job makes you want to cry but please don't' Taehyung said, but it was an obvious joke and he softly smiled at me.

    'I love you so much' I eventually answered.

He leaned closer, slowly and I closed my eyes until his soft lips touched mine.

I put my arms around his neck.

The thrilling feeling of his lips on mine, his touch, even if I had experienced it so often by now, it still lingered. It still affected me deeply.

I whimpered as I pulled his body closer to mine. Eventually we released to catch our breath again.

He caressed my cheek silently.

    'You know we can have many many practice rounds for getting children' I let out with a smirk. Taehyung raised his eyebrow and I chuckled as he lifted me off the ground bridal style and brought me to our bedroom.

That Monday I had classes again, it was the last week it was from Namjoon. Most of the students were sad about this fact because they really adored him but me on the other hand felt rather relieved.

His classes were amazing. I couldn't dispute that but he wasn't necessarily the best teacher to keep me focused on all the things important to me so to say.

When class ended we made our way to the exit.

    'y/n, could I speak to you for a minute?' Namjoon asked and I stared at him.

    'yes ofcourse.'

Other students did stare a bit but we waited till the lecture hall was cleared out.

Namjoon gave me a wide smile.

    'I have good news y/n'

There was a short silence as I looked at him in anticipation.

    'We have decided to offer you the job!'

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