CH 7

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Taehyungs pov
It has been a week Y/n came to stay, she is really kind hearted, but sometimes she acts a bit wierd I mean everyone has there crackhead sided so I am not surprised. Today she told me that she has to go for a party or something but it was wierd when she told me to be careful and lock all the doors and window I mean what if she lik- "TAE CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A WHILE? I NEED YOUR HELP!" and my thoughts were cut off, I stood up from my bed and headed to her room and knocked "come in~".
Y/n pov
Today was going to be really dangerous day, all my enemies would be there so I have to be extra careful. And right now I am struggling to tie this rope of my dress as much as I hated to admit I was really in need of help the dress was a classic black and was till floor and the back was whole rope so I needed help in that so without any thoughts I called taehyung " TAE CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A WHILE? I NEED YOUR HELP!" this is so embarrassing please kill me already. After a while there was a knock on the door "come in~" I told and there he was looking at me with a confused expression. "Did you called me?" "Yes. . . I needed your help with (turn around) these ribbon. . .can you tie it for me?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say ye- "ofcourse why not 😊 let me help you" I was jungshooked I thought he would feel uncomfortable but he helped me, such a gentleman, he came closer to my back and started to tie the ribbons and after a few minutes he was done. I was about to turn when he came closer to my ears, his hot breth hitting my neck and told "you look really good not going to lie" and there goes my soul out of my body and he left the room with me being a blushing mess.
Hello my lovely reader I wanted to write more but me being a soft stan could not handle so. ADIOS and don't forget to VOTE bbey my lovelies

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