CH 17

343 17 1

Y/n's pov

It was yet another day where me and Taehyung start to bicker about what to make for lunch "we are going to make sushi" Tae said "No we are going to make boiled egg salad" i said "NO SUSHI" "NO BOILED EGG SALAD" we both were fighting like a married couple AGAIN.

Living like this was becoming our routine and all the money, bill and stuff was taken care by my team which was somewhere in New York and so was my intail assistance, so if they spot anything on the satalite they are just going to tell me and i would be ready to beat some asses but that hardly matter because I and Taehyung had to prepare lunch and we were not able to decide that should we make sushi or boiled egg salad so yeah. . . it is what it is.

"you know what we should just make ramen" we both said at the same time as we looked at each other and blushed. These day whenever we do something my hearts starts to race and whenever he comes VERY close i have that urge to just grab his collar and kiss him, but I can't because it is impossible for him to like someone like me but than again, he is a doctor and I am  a badass mafia we both are very different form each other, once this all is over he will be on his way and I will be somewhere on this earth.

The day just went by we had our lunch and then we both played some video games and talked and played with Tannie and then we made dinner and went to sleep. I felt that like I know him from my childhood but than again my feelings never fade for him he is just to handsome and irritable i sometimes go crazy. I kept my thoughts aside and went to bed after i did the dishes and took a cold shower, Tae was already in bed with Tannie so no problem.

 I layed on my bed and stared outside cause i was not at all sleepy, so i just took my blanket and opened to door and went inside the gallery and looked up the sky as i remember seeing the night sky with my grandfather at the age of five as i remember his words he always used to say to me "My child always remember that if I die and if you miss me just look up the sky and you shall see me ready to talk to you, and always remember that in this world there is nobody who is going to love you like that one person who is going to make a mistake to fall for you and you making the same mistake for that same person, that is not in my hand for whom you are going to fall or who is perfect; not even a single person is born prefect or can never be made perfect remember" were his words this is the only thing i remember and i am going to remember for the rest of my life. As i looked up i only saw a sky full of stars and it was beautiful and the more i saw it the more i miss every person i have lost till now, my parents, my siblings and my trainers and fighters who took care of my. "You guys up there have no idea how badly i miss you. I wish i could see you once again". 

I was so lost that i did't even notice that someone was already sitting besides me as i turned my head to side I saw him as beautiful as ever and just breathtaking and at that moment i came to know that I don't just like him . I FVCKING LOVE HIM, but it felt impossible for him to fall for someone like me. I mean look at me who would like to fall for someone who is orphan, all alone, does not have any social life and probably has never loved anyone, but than again he helped me a lot like, took care of my wounds, made me food, and the most important didn't left my side even after knowing who i am.

Taehyungs pov

As i layed in my bed, about to sleep but seems like sleep forgot it's way till me. Yeontan was already sleeping in peace 'cause for the whole day he is either at the backyard rolling on the grass which i would gladly like to join but never do or is always behind me or Y/n playing with us, he is a restless dog and sleep is not in his dictionary only at night time. Me and yeontan are like each other can't stay at one lace for a while but we need to sleep at night but tonight was different it was as if my head said to sleep but my heart was somewhere else. So i sat up in my bed and looked at the time it was 12:45, usually at this time of night i am sleeping like anything, even if a volcano irrupts i won't wake up. 

So i stood up and went outside of my room and went to check on y/n, it's silly that this girl makes me feel things i never felt in my whole life, as i preaked the door to see if she was sleeping or not i found the bed empty and the blanket was also not there, so i got inside the room just to find her sitting at her gallery wrapped up in her blanket 'cute' was the only thing i could think about as i went ad sat never her i saw that she was in her own world looking up at the sky looking at the sky, as I look up I was shocked to see that there were these many stars and it was beautiful. I looked at it for a while as i heard her say something "you guys up there have no idea how badly i miss you, i wish i could see you once again" she says and i just look at her and she looks at me after a few seconds and our eye met. Till this very day i never looked in her eye but tonight was different as i looked in her eye i could only see a girl who was lonely, sad and needed someone in her life to love her like no one ever did, she needed someone and at the very moment i had fallen for her so deep that it was impossible for me to go to top now. The deeper i looked inside her eye the more i fall for her, as we both lean, our faces only centimeter away from each other. At this rate i could only do one thing and that was to kiss her so i did.

Author's pov

 Taehyung grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer as their lips met each other and both of them closed their eyes enjoying the moment, it was a soft kiss but was too much for y/n to handle but she loved it either the way and she knows that he also loved her. After a while they pulled away and opened their eyes and looked into each others eyes and smiled and connected their foreheads with each and said at the same time "I love you" and smiled at each other. 

Y/n pov

As I was about to stand up I tripped on the edge of my blanket and fall on top of tae which is not a very good thing but before i could even get up from him his pulls me down and pins me on the floor, with both of my hands on top of my head and he just smirked and licked his lips 'JUST WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BOI THINKING' but he was not so strong in compared to me so it was really easy for me to break free and get on top of me "just tell me already what were you thinking Mr. Kim Taehyung?" i said as i smirked and he just laughed "nothing, absolutely nothing you know" he said and smirked again and i was in utter confusion for a while i blinked and he took this chance to get out of my grip and then i came to know "KIM TAEHYUNG YOU DIRTY MINDED RAT!" I said as i started chasing him around the room but god knows how we both ended up in his room and slept together.


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