CH 23

252 14 0

Y/n pov
As the days pass by me and Taehyung become a bit closer to each other and started to understand each other just by our little actions, we still fight that thing never changed, but there is one problem that as the day passes by he becomes more Handsome and it is killing me like DAMN!! BOI HE IS HOT LIKE HELL AND EVEN THE DEVILS WILL BOW TO HIS BEAUTY. He is too much to handle as it was our date night, not outside but we just thought that we should do something fancy and again it was Tae's idea I mean I am not complaining, but I did as he told me to get ready into something classy and fancy, and told me to change in another room cause he wanted to have that surprise feeling which I thought was a cute idea. So I got ready but as me being me wanted to tease him so I wore this

As I went downstairs I saw Taehyung waiting for me well his back was facing me so I softly called him "Taehyung?" And he turns around and

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As I went downstairs I saw Taehyung waiting for me well his back was facing me so I softly called him "Taehyung?" And he turns around and

As I went downstairs I saw Taehyung waiting for me well his back was facing me so I softly called him "Taehyung?" And he turns around and

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HOLY MOLY HOW IS HE SO DAMN HOT? I have trust issues help. "Well I know I am Handsome 😎 so stop staring at me like that" he said clearly catching me while I was staring at him 😝 but it is nothing new even I would catch him staring at me while I am exercising.
"Well you are Handsome but I am sure I look like a boiled potato" I said and just laughed and came close and pulled by my waist "well in that case I can eat you as my snack" he said "I am human not a potato, you can eat your food in the kitchen I am not a food 😐" I said and he went 🤦 and shakes his head "you dummy, how come are you this innocent" he said.
As I gave him a nasty look and smirked "I take back my words" he said with a wierd look and we both laugh. As we were done laughing I pulled him down till my height with his tie and said "so what has my king prepared for us?" I said as I licked my lips "dinner" he said "I prepared our special dinner and there was some fruit flavored sujo also so there is nothing much ☺️" he said "fruit flavored sujo, I thought you drink" I asked as he lead me to the table "well I can't drink, it's taste is wierd, that one time drank it with Jin hyung and swore on yeontan that I won't drink in my life ever again 😩😥" he said as we both sat down "you never told me that incident? Tell me more about it" I said we both surve eachother "well I completed my one month in that hospital so me, jimin, hobi and jin hyung thought to celebrate it so we went to a restaurant and that was the first time I drank alcohol and my who throut was on fire 🔥 it was burning and all the other were looking at me and they asked me was it the first time I drank and I just nodded then they were all looking at each other there faces were price less" he said as I asked him "who is jimin and hobi" "you don't want to meet them they both are flirt master, there won't be even a single nurse left that they never flirted with" he said "so that's where you learnt how to flirt?" I said and he choked on his food "I shall take it as a yes" I said as I stood up and went to his side and pat his back "oh dear, clam down" I said as I pat his back, after a while I went and sat on my own seat and started eating my food "tell me you don't have any kind of good memories with you sis?" He asked me "well no, we hardly talked to each other so. . . No, you are luck you had friends" I said and he just looked at me and we both eat in silence "wait where is my son?!" I said as I stood up "calm down he is sleeping peacefully, he slept early because he knows that his daddy and mommy are have a date" he said as we both finish our food "how was the food?" He asked me "well as usual AWESOME" I said as he smiled "once this all is over we both are going on a REAL date" he said as we both kept our dishes in the sink and washes our hands "so what are we going to do now?" I asked him as I grabbed his tie and pulled him DANGEROUSLY close to me "well if you want to do something we can do a lot of things you know" he said as he pulled me by my waist "or I can take the lead if you want?" I said as I let go of his and wrapped my arms around his neck "or more better let's drink sujo" he said and let go of me and grabbed a bottle of fruit flavored sujo and two cups "I haven't drank for a while" I said as I sat on the stoll near kitchen counter as he sat besides me "wait you drink?!" He asked me in a shock tone "well I drink a lot. I have a good capacity, but I rarely drink so. . . Yea 😅" I said as he poured some in my cup and then his cup "good thing you drink rarely" and we started drinking and as the luck was not on our side that damn phone has to ring.
When I phone rang I choked and Taehyung splash his drink out of his mouth, as we look at eachothers and I run and pick the phone up
On the phone
Y/n: hello?
??: Y/n listen very carefully we are really sorry but you have get out of that house and be ready for the fight. We have got the information that Kai is somewhere near that area so this is the only chance we will get to catch him once he is gone he is gone. And take care of that friend of yours who is there with you I hope he can fight well. Now get out of that house we will send you the location. . . . . Beep . . . Beep
The call ends
"Tae change and pack" I said and he went running I didn't bother to change so I went out to that garage and picked all my weapons (a/n: all the photos of the weapons which are there in the previous chapter all of them) after doing that I went inside the truck and tae came with all the stuff I mean all the stuff was packed only so it was fast and soon the location came on the trucks navigation system it was not far from here "This is going to be fun" i said and smirked

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