CH 11

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Y/n pov
As I was looking outside the window and enjoyed the view because we were going from the middle of the forest so. . . It was really pretty and suddenly taehyung asked me "who are you?" I turned and saw him staring at me and then our eyes met, as soon as our eye met we looked away and my cheeks were like a cherry 🍒 red (a/n: LOL 🤣 I know I am not suppose to laugh but here I am LMAO) and there was an awkward silence so I dare to break the silence "s-s-so tae what were you asking me?" He turned and I could see very well he was as well blushing like hell. He blinked for awhile and the he started to speak "oh! I was asking like you are a bit small to use all these weapons and things so I just wanted to ask from where did all this shit show started? That's all" he said and smiled. This was the first time that someone cared about me and wanted to know who I was so I was a bit touched but I thought like now I have to protect him he should know who I am and what type of person I am "so. . . From where do I start?" I told "from the very start I want to know you?" He said and took yeontan in his arm and told "even Tanni wants to know!" He said and smiled brightly and Tanni barked, can I please kiss him was the first thing that came in my mind.
I cleared my throat and said "So I was born in India but my parents bought me to south Korea and we started living here, my both the parents were mafia so it was normal for me to see these things, but. . ." I was getting a bit emotional at this part cause still this date my parents but I hold back my tears " my parents passed away in an car accident and I was left alone with their trainers and fighters. Those people looked like they were monsters but they have the softest heart ever, I was 9 when I lost my parents but those fighters and trainers took really good care of me but, as time passed they started to die because they were old and some died during one of our fights or mission, so as I grew up I was all alone and in school all were scared of me even if I didn't do any harm to them so I did not had any friends, I was all alone by myself. . .but because as I was pretty busy killing my enemies I never got time to make friend so I do not know how does it feel to be loved or how to love someone so it was a bit wierd for me.
And in the world where fake is everywhere and real is rare, it is hard to find a good, truly loyal and real friend" and as I said that I break down to tears and as I look up I saw taehyung smiling at me, it was a warm smile but it soon got replaced but a box like smile

 And in the world where fake is everywhere and real is rare, it is hard to find a good, truly loyal and real friend" and as I said that I break down to tears and as I look up I saw taehyung smiling at me, it was a warm smile but it soon got replac...

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"Then what am I to you? French fries?" He said and hugged me, but for some reason I did not wanted to pull away, I felt comfortable, in his arms I felt safe, I feel loved. "It must be horrible to loose your parents at such a tender age right?" "Yes it was" I said "don't worry I am there for you" " hey! I am the one who is protecting you 😒FYI" He laughed and so did I "you know what I think I have started to like you a bit" I stopped laughing and looked at him, and he did the same and told "what?" "Y-you like me?!" He blinked and said " I really don't know, but you are fun to stay with, but I really think we should sleep now it is almost 4am" he said "yes, maybe we should sleep" "how are we going to sleep? And what about my Tanni?" "Don't worry we are going to stop here and in the morning we shall leave and because it is a forest no one will come here. Now go to sleep" I was about to sleep but he cleared his throat as I turned back and faced him "you see. . . I have a habit to hug something or someone when I sleep or-" I cut him off "or you can't sleep? Right?" He scratches the back of his neck and looks down "y-y-yes" "you can hug Tanni if you want" I told and he just shouted "BUT I WANTED TO HUG YOU!" and suddenly he covered his mouth and my poor heart just had a heart attack.
Taehyungs pov
As I told that, I cursed myself. Kim Taehyung can you not keep your mouth shut for like a second and I felt my cheeks burn like hell but before I could say anything she has already got to the back of the truck and with a blanket and said "are you going to come or not?" She said and I also got back. It was big enough for two people so no problem I laid beside her slept "tomorrow I will teach you how to use and attack with a knife if that is ok" she said and I just hummed in answer and slept
Hello my reader ladies and germs I hope you liked the chapter it is shit I know but still I tried my best now go and do you work you thirsty hoes or I shall tell my plants to hunt you in your dreams 😜 just kidding. please vote

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