Only Hope

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Hadley sat up in bed, her lavendar comforter pooled around her. Black leggings and an old sweatshirt for comfort. It had continued to rain the last few stretch of days. It had made for great sleeping weather. Or to binge some Netflix. Hadley used it to work on some new recipes to offer at the bakery. A new flavor of pie. Some yummy, delectable cookies. Nothing short of pure perfection for the customers. 

She rolled her phone over and over in her lap. The flickering of the vanilla scented candle casting shadows among the walls. The scene from the other day at the bakery playing like a film on repeat in her mind. She toyed with the idea of contacting Blair. But decided against it. What good would that do for her. Blair told her never to speak to her ever again. And kicked her out of the home she shared with the one man Hadley could not figure out. As she flipped her phone again, it buzzed with a text message. 

'Honey, I'm sorry.... will be on a trip for Christmas. Love you lots xoxo'

Shocker. Mom of the year award going to her own mother once more. This would usually be the time when Blair would swoop in and offer up her home to Hadley for the holidays. Or Jay would come in and say he was working the overtime. But there she sat. In the silent house, with the exception of the rain trickling down outside on the gloomiest of days. Christmas was a week away. The Gilbert clan always did this holiday in a big way. Lots of parties throughout the week, hence the pastries Brantley had ordered. Or so she assumed. Christmas lights and caroling. Countless trees in every room. Mama Becky's casseroles at every meal. 

Hadley had been jealous of Blair for the past three years. If not for her relationship with Brantley, then for the food she consumed and holidays she spent with the loving family. She missed her best friend. But what she was doing to her husband was inexcusable. Going off with his brother behind everyone's back. It was quite sickening to her. And Brantley deserved to know. Whether he believed it or not was a whole other story. 

Hadley stared at her dark phone screen. Well, now was as good a time as any. She dialed the familiar number and placed it to her ear. Her hands trembling slightly. She was about to hang up after the fourth ring, but someone picked up on the other end. 


"Hey, Mama Becky. I need some advice....." 

It was the day before Christmas Eve. Hadley and Eloise had just helped their last customer for the holiday season and closed up shop until after the new year. Eloise was going to visit with her husband's family for the next few days and Hadley had her black Chevy SUV all ready to go. The next eight hours were going to be brutal after opening at 4am to make sure everyone in town got what they had needed. Thirty five apple pies, a handful of pumpkin, fifty boxes of cinnamon rolls, and a streusel cake fit for a queen later, the two of them hugged and said their goodbyes. Wishing each other well for the new year. 

Hadley hopped up in the driver's seat and turned the ignition. She took a long sip of the vanilla latte she made herself from the bakery and backed out of her usual spot. The sun was shining for the first time in days. The only hope she had was that the roads would be clear and free of congestion all the way to Georgia. The rest was up to the big man himself. 

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