Party Pooper

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Hadley sat in front of the fireplace cuddled up under a sherpa throw, enjoying her second glass of wine. The smell of the apple and pumpkin pies she just made for everyone wafting through the large log cabin home. Blair was laughing hysterically at Elf playing on the television. Upstairs was silent. No sounds coming from anywhere else except the two of them. 

Hadley took another sip of her drink, swallowing slowly. "So, what is up with Brantley? He didn't really say anything before heading up to bed." She pointed toward the upstairs with her glass in hand.

"He is just being a bump on a log." Blair scoffed, rolling her eyes. She turned off the television and sat up. "Let's go out."

"What?" Hadley almost choked on the last swig of wine. 

"Come on. It is the biggest party night of the year. For old times sake. There are a couple bars downtown." Blair tried to up sell the idea of going out the night before Thanksgiving. 

"Blair, I think that is a bad idea. I traveled for most of the day and I am tired. I think we should get some sleep." 

"You're such a party pooper." She placed her hands on her hips, "Fine then. I am going. The guest room is all set for you. I will see you in the morning." With that, Blair grabbed her purse and coat and headed out the front door before Hadley could protest anymore. 

Hadley sat in silence for a few minutes before she stood up and walked in to the kitchen to place her glass in the large farmhouse sink. She turned around, when the sound of footsteps on the stairs caught her attention. The large frame of a person coming in to view in the dim light. 

"Did Blair leave?" Brantley's rough voice rang out between them. 

"Uh, yeah. She went downtown to have a couple drinks. Said she would be back in a little bit." 

Brantley shook his head in acknowledgement. Hadley sensed a tinge of sadness in his usuallly gleaming green eyes. He excused himself passed her and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. He was about to go back towards the stairs when Hadley stopped him. 

"What is going on?" Her voice a little shaky from nerves. She wasn't sure why he was being so quiet. That definitely wasn't like him when friends or company was around. Especially her. 

"What do you mean?" He placed a hand on the banister, furrowing his brows at her. But he wasn't fooling anyone. He knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"Brantley," Hadley shot him a stern look. "You haven't said two words to me since I got here. You couldn't eat dinner fast enough. And then you go up to bed and leave us down here by ourselves. Blair goes out downtown because she wants to party. And you don't care? This is not like you at all. You know you can tell me anything." 

Brantley sighed, rubbing his hand through his graying beard. Hadley was sure that was from being married to Blair. He walked back toward her in the kitchen, placing the water he grabbed from the fridge on the marbled counter top. 

"Blair didn't tell me you were coming." 

"Okay, I don't know if I follow....." Hadley shook her head, staring up at him. 

"I just wasn't prepared for it. That's all." Brantley looked at her straight in the eye for the first time since coming downstairs. 

Hadley stood there in her spot, anger growing ready to bubble over. "You weren't prepared for it? It has been three years, Brantley. And you have proven to me why It has been that long since the moment I pulled up your driveway. Maybe I shouldn't have come. Maybe I should've just stayed back in Tennessee." 

"Hadley, you know that's not what I meant. It's just..." Brantley groaned, throwing his head back to look up at the ceiling. 

"It's fine. I will be leaving after dinner tomorrow. I would leave in the morning, but I want some damn turkey and pie." She huffed, pushing by his tall and muscular frame. She felt  hand reach out and stop her as she reached the edge of the kitchen. Turning on her heal, Hadley was fully prepared to stand her ground and shoot daggers with her honey colored eyes. But she was met with a different surprise. 

A warm breathe grazed her bubble gum pink lips as she drew one in herself. A set of soft lips covering hers in a slow motion. Everything seemed to spin around them. The scent of apple and pumpkin filling the air. Brantley pulled away, the muscles under his dark gray tee shirt moving with him. Hadley reached up, touching a finger to her lips where his were once placed. Three years too long. 

A/N: I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season! I have missed writing about BG, so I am back for more! Please like, share, vote, comment..... only nice things please! 

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