Stay The Night

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"Wait.... what do you mean you didn't...." And then it hit Hadley. She stared at Brantley as he watched her process this information. She didn't know what to say, so she began to laugh. 

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny." Brantley shook his head. 

"No, you're right. This isn't funny. It is fucking hilarious." Hadley cackled. She put her hands to her chest, trying to catch her breathe. He didn't lie. And now it all makes sense. The baby isn't his. Blair was pregnant with Kolby's child. Oh.My.Lord. She looked around for a moment, stopping. "So where are the two parents to be?" 

"Did you notice Blair's car next to you when you parked?" Brantley asked. 

Hadley made a silly face as she tried to recall parking her car just a few minutes ago. She furrowed her brows. "No." 

Brantley's grin was sheepish. Hadley looked at him wide mouthed. "You did not." She deadpanned. 

" I told her it was over and that I was no longer going to play the charade of ignorant husband." 

He did. He finally grew a set and stood up to Blair. Excatly what he should have done three years ago. The night before their wedding. The most amazing sex Hadley had ever had. The first time with him. And she couldn't even share it with her best friend. Because it was with her best friend's soon to be husband. And now, now she didn't care who found out. She would tell the whole world that she slept with Brantley the night before his wedding.

Except, she wouldn't. And if she were to ever see Blair again, she would apologize. For what? She wasn't quite sure yet. All off her emotions started to flood her body. She wasn't sure whether she should laugh, cry, jump him, or leave. It was all so much all so soon. One minute they were all fighting over believing the truth. Now, it was exactly what Hadley had wanted. But why wasn't she celebrating with her tongue down Brantley's throat right now?

Because it didn't feel right. Although it was all on Blair and Kolby, Hadley still felt bad about exposing their little secret. 

"Don't." Brantley replied, his rough voice sending a chill down her spine as she snapped back to reality. 

"What?" Hadley inquired, not sure what he was referring to. 

"Do not put this on yourself. I know you. And this is not your fault. I am just sorry that we didn't believe you in the beginning. Or, I didn't want to believe you." Brantley situated the baseball cap on his head a little further over his green eyes. Hadley watched as he fiddled with the silver rings on the both of his hands. 

"Hey, why don't we go back outside to the bonfire." Hadley gestured over her shoulder, trying to break the awkward silence that fell upon them. Brantley looked up from his hands. He waited a second and then took a few steps closer to her. His body so close to Hadley that she could feel the heat coming from him. He leaned in, his breath gracing her neck. His lips just barely touching her left ear. 

"Stay the night with me?" 

*The End! (You didn't think I was going to finish this story without a cliff hanger did you? ;) )

A/N: Thank you so much for the love on this story. I truly enjoyed writing it! Keep an eye for future stories, updates to older ones, and more! 

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