Dear to the Heart

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The Christmas Eve party was always informal. No sitting down at the table for dinner. No nice, fine china from the wedding brought out, or the best silverware they owned. There were clear plastic plates and utensils to match. A jug full of Jungle Juice and bourbon poured in Solo cups. Blair walked around making sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. Exactly what a host should do. She would waltz dramatically passed Hadley, never asking if she were okay. Becky would make some comment asking if she checked in on every single guest. Blair would say yes, but of course Becky knew she wouldn't even entertain the idea of going near Hadley. 

Brantley sat in his exact same spot for almost the entire night. He nursed a water bottle and plate of goodies for hours. His deep laugh would cut through the room now and again, bringing Hadley back to her senses. Blair was right. What was she doing here. Becky had told her to come down to Georgia. That they would get it all figured out. She was the only one that believed Hadley. She knew her sons better than anyone on this beautiful planet. It sounded just like something Kolby would do. And Blair, well her thoughts on that girl were better left unsaid. At least for the moment. 

Hadley placed her empty plate in the garbage and walked down the hall to the bathroom. The door was locked and it was occupied by one of the other guests. She stood there for a second before deciding to head up stairs to one of the other guest bathrooms. Although she didn't want to be wandering around their home, she was fairly certain it wouldn't be that big of a deal. She swiftly walked by the table in the dining room and rounded the corner to go up the stairs. Brantley watched carefully out of the corner of his eye. He waited for her to get half way up the stairs before he excused himself. Becky watched intently as he followed suit, going upstairs. She tried to hide the smile playing across her lips, but she couldn't help the happy dance she was secretly doing. She knew her son. She always had. 

Hadley reached the landing and followed the hallway almost to the very end. She stopped abruptly, cautiously turning around when she heard footsteps coming from behind. She wanted to be ready to duck in case something came flying at her from the delicately manicured hands of Blair. 

"Brantley." She got out just above a whisper. Her breathing becoming shallow. Now she was wishing it had been Blair she saw when she turned around. At least she would be able t defend herself, for the most part. 

Brantley stalked toward her like he was on a mission. His green eyes never leaving the honey colored ones looking back at him. He stopped himself about two inches from her. Hadley drew in a breath, swallowing quickly. 

"Brantley, before you say anything...." 

He cut her off, pushing her through the door of the walk in closet she was standing in front of. He followed, closing the white washed barn door behind them. "How'd you know?" He asked hurriedly. 

"How'd I know what?" Hadley looked at him confused. 

"How'd you know Kolby and Blair have been sleeping together? Did you catch them?"

"Blair told me. We were shopping and she couldn't afford to get everything she wanted. So I told her to use the card you gave her..... she said you didn't give her your card. I know you, Brantley, and that doesn't sound like you. Later on  that day she confessed that you two hadn't slept together in months. And that she was hooking up with someone else..... She told me everything." Hadley blurted it all out like word vomit. 

Brantley stood there rubbing his beard, looking as though he was trying to mull the news over in his head. Like maybe he would believe her this time. She could only hope. He turned his head to peer at her from under the black baseball cap. His white hoodie sleeves rolled up, showing off some of his tattoos. 

He reached a rough hand up, cupping her face. He pulled her in to him, placing his warm lips on top of hers. Another secret to keep dear to her heart. 

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