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{Star by LOONA}

Hard to believe, but it is the last week of the camp. Everyone was happy, but at the same time sad. They spend a wonderful time together and recalled old memories. Of course some people met new friends and loved ones. And this week felt even more free.

"Dahyunie?" Sana asked as soon as she woke up. Usually younger girl would leave her unnie alone in the cold bed. But today was different. Sana saw Dahyun laying down next to Sana and still dreaming. "Cute..." Sana whispered with a smile on her face. Dahyun looked like a baby when she was asleep.

Dahyun moved a bit in her sleep and then opened her eyes. She saw smiling Sana and smiled back. Sana hugged Dahyun and even gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You looked so cute in your sleep." Sana said and laughed. Dahyun blushed a little and smiled. For some reason today Dahyun was just a ball of cuteness.

"What should we do today?" Dahyun asked while stretching in bed. She didn't have much space, so she put her arms and legs on Sana while laughing. Sana laughed in response and tried to get Dahyun's legs away. The younger girls was stubborn and still was trying to put her limbs on the older girl. They started playfully fighting and laughing. Their fight got so intense, that both of them fell from the bed and Dahyun landed right on Sana.

"Uh..." Sana said not knowing what to do. Dahyun's face was so close to hers that she panicked in some way. She looked younger girl in the eyes. Her brain turned off completely. But her eyes landed on Dahyun's lips. Sana's lips started to tingle. What is this feeling?

"I... I'm sorry." Dahyun said while getting up. Her head was full of thoughts about what just happened. For some reason Sana looked so beautiful and captivating up close. Dahyun's heart was beating like crazy. "I'm going to the shower..." Dahyun said and quickly went to the bathroom. Sana just laughed and headed to her house to take a bath.


"Guys let's go!" Chaeyoung said, when she finally found Sana and Dahyun talking to each other on the beach. They were alone as always. "Jihyo and Daniel." Chaeyoung said and started running away. Sana and Dahyun were confused, but still managed to run after the short girl.

"Fuck you!" Sana and Dahyun heard, when they were near the house where Jihyo and other girls lived. It was actually concerning to hear something like this. And when Saida finally made it to the house, they understood exactly what was going on. Daniel ran out of the house like he saw a ghost there. Sana and Dahyun stepped in and saw angry Jihyo, that was about to cry.

"What happened?" Dahyun asked and looked at her leader. Jihyo was crying, but smiling at the same time. She sat on the bed and looked down. Everyone was in shock and waited for explanation.

"We broke up..." Jihyo said. Everyone's mouthes dropped wide open. This was not expected, but not really surprising either. For some time Jihyo and Daniel were not on the good terms. Seemed like everything was going in the direction of break up.

"It's okay. There's a lot of dudes you know." Sana said. She sounded like every stereotypical gay girl that doesn't know how the hell relationship with men work.

"Sana.... Just go." Jihyo said. She's not in the mood for gay stuff right now. Probably because she never dated a girl or spoke about her sexuality.

"If you want it..." Sana replied in kind of a sad mood. She took Dahyuns hand and walked out.

"Are you sad?" Dahyun asked when Sana started walking towards the beach while still holding hands with the younger.

"Am I that obvious?" Sana asked in response. She smiled and suddenly turned around to look Dahyun in the eyes. When their eyes met they both felt something never felt before.

"No. I just know you that well." Dahyun smiled and started running. "Catch me!" she said while laughing. She really wanted her unnie to feel better.

Sana smiled even brighter. She knew exactly what Dahyun wanted to do. She started running after the blue haired girl and laughing. She runned as fast as she could but Dahyun was way faster and more flexible. "Yah! Just let me do it!" Sana started screaming when realized that she is getting tired.

"Okay, come here and catch me!" Dahyun said and opened her arms as if she was waiting for a hug. Sana smiled and Dahyun's cuteness and came closer. And when she wanted to hug Dahyun later dodged from Sana's arms and ran away

"Yaaahh!~" Sana exclaimed and frowned her eyebrows. "Dahyunie so mean!" She said in a cute voice. Dahyun laughed and came back to Sana. She hugged her unnie and smiled. "I'm mad!" Sana said and got out of Dahyun's hug. The younger girl then frowned her eyebrows. She thought for a moment. Suddenly an idea came to her head. Dahyun hugged Sana again and kissed her near the mouth.

"Eh?" Sana asked. She did not expect something like this from Dahyun. Usually, Sana is the one hitting on Dahyun not vice-versa. But if Sana's being honest she really liked it. Not everyday you can see Dahyun so confident.

Dahyun laughed. "Do you want to build a sand castle?" Dahyu asked and pointed at the sand. Sana loaded for a moment and then finally agreed.

They both kneeled down. The moist sand was sticky and perfect for a castle. Dahyun started to build the foundation of the whole castle. She wanted to make it big and surrounded by small ponds. Sana was more busy looking at Dahyun. She looked genuinely happy and entertained just like a little kid.

"...So one tower here and then this part is big like this..." Dahyun spoke. But Sana didn't even listen. She just looked at happy Dahyun building her stuff. But at some point she thought that she need to help her. They tried to build a lot of differed things. Towers, fortresses, buildings. Everything seemed to be stable and looking pretty.

"Do you like it?" Sana asked and looked at Dahyun. It looked good only to the younger girl. But Sana still smiled at Dahyun just to make her feel like this building was great.

"Yeah. I think it's the best one of all the sand castles I made." Kim confidently said and laughed. She looked at Sana. She seemed to be enjoying it too. Dahyun grabbed her unnie's hand and went straight to the houses. She thinks this day was overall better, than it's start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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