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{Butterflies by Red Velvet}

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." Dahyun's mother said, while watching how her daughter tied her hair in two cute braids.

"Thank you, mom." Dahyun smiled. Yesterday she dyed her hair in secret. Now her hair is dirty blond and goes well with her white skin color. She didn't dye her hair for a long time, so now she feels excited.

"Happy birthday and get ready faster. We don't want you to be late." Dahyun's mother said and smiled. She then left Dahyun's room and went to the kitchen.

"Happy birthday to me!" Dahyun smiled. She's getting year older today. Kim can't believe that this day is finally here. She was exited to get gifts from her friends and hear a lot of nice things. She has a feeling that this day is going to be different. Dahyun went downstairs and grabbed her backpack and lunchbox.

"Aren't you going to grab some for your friends as well?" Dahyun's mother asked, when she noticed that her daughter grabbed only one lunchbox. Mrs. Kim smiled and thought that today Dahyun was really excited. She's usually not the type of person to forget something.

"Oh, yeah!" Dahyun said and took other lunchboxes. She got ashamed, that she forgot food for the others. As a part of the School Meal Club she should never forget about the food. This was the first time she even forgot about it.

"Remember, when you were five-" Dahyun's mom wanted to tell another embarrassing story while she was driving Dahyun to school.

"Mom, stop." Dahyun said already blushing. She looked at her phone. Nothing in the Twice Club chatroom. This was unusual for her friends. They always wished her a happy birthday at night, as soon as 28th of May happened. But no messages this time. It made Dahyun a little sad.

"Okay, we are here." Mrs. Kim said with a soft smile on her face. She turned to Dahyun and saw, that she wasn't as happy, as she usually is on her birthday. "Hey, cheer up." Dahyun's mother said and smiled even brighter.

"I'm fine mom." Dahyun laughed and got out of the car. She waved her hand to her mom and walked to the school. She walked to her locker and noticed that tall brown-haired girl with bangs was walking towards her.

"Dahyun-sunbaenim. School Meal Club." brown-haired girl said and saluted to Dahyun. She was clearly younger then Dahyun and her uniform was slightly different, pointing out, that this girl is just a freshmen.

"School Meal Club." Dahyun said and smiled while saluting back. "You cut your bangs, didn't you, Yuna-yah?" Dahyun asked and fixed the girls hair a little. She felt like she needs to protect this little bean, since she and the rest of Twice Club are graduating soon.

"Yes. And you dyed your hair, Dahyun-sunbaenim." the girl said. "I think this color-" Yuna wanted to say something, but got cut off by someone calling her name. Dahyun and Yuna turned around and saw another freshmen girl. Her dark blue hair were cut short and she had big round glasses on her face. Round dark beret on her head finished the whole look.

"Yuna-yah, let's go, Yeji and Lia got in trouble." said the girl in glasses and took Yuna's hand. She was breathing heavily from all the running. Those two girls were from literature club and had to run all the way from the library.

"O-okay." Yuna said. Dahyun gave her one lunchbox and smiled. She felt a little bitter, because none of the girls mentioned her birthday. But she can let it slide there. They are just freshmens and could've forgot about it. She just watched how two girls were running down the hallway.

"Ah! Dahyun-sunbaenim!" Yuna said as she turned around. Dahyun immediately smiled and was ready to hear sweet long-waited 'happy birthday', but... "Thank you for the food! School Meal Club!" Yuna saluted and ran away.

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