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{Touchdown by Twice}

Morning for Sana started with loud alarm. It's finally a month of May. Not only her friends birthday this month, but it also means that school is going to end soon. Don't get her wrong, she loves studying and hanging out with her friends. But she absolutely hates her principal. He goes crazy, when it comes to dating, short skirts, close friendships and even dyeing hair. And I'm not even going to mention the gays. But let's be honest, we all know, that everyone does most of those things.

Sana got up from her bed and started preparing for school. She thought about all her friends and how many of them she has. How she created a unit with other Japanese students, about other people who are studying Vocal and Singing arts, about Blackpink and Red Velvet clubs, about her favorite School Meal Club who always find delicious foods. She loved School Meal Club members a lot. 2Chaeng from Drawing major, dancе copy machine Pranpriya, cute and funny Yerim, everyone's crush Sooyoung and comedian Dahyun... Dahyun... For some reason she thought about Dahyun longer, than about every other member. About Dahyungs long brown hair, her white soft skin and bright smile. As soon as Sana came to Korea and entered High School, she couldn't take Dahyun out of her head.

"Ah, Dahyunie~..." Sana said to herself when she finished preparing. Lately she has been thinking about Dahyun even more, because her birthday is soon. She grabbed her backpack and headed to school, without having breakfast, since she knows that School Meal Club already prepared some food.

Minatozaki took her headphones and phone. Some love songs played and made Sana more excited about today. As far as she remembers, today they are working as fashion club all day to prepare some costumes for Theater students. As well as other clubs do their job for the last Theater week of school. So no classes today and no school uniform. It's a nice news.

As soon as Sana entered school, she saw Dahyun. Cute little Tofu was searching for something in her locker, that had a lot of funny stickers on it. Sana wanted to greet Dahyun first, because if she doesn't do it, she will barely speak with her today.

"Dahy-" Sana started running to her friend, but stopped as she saw Momo approaching Dahyun. That's wasn't good. Don't get her wrong, she doesn't hate Momo, she's actually a really good friend of hers, as well as other girls from her club. Momo is one of Japanese students, that's why Sana get along with her well. But as well does Dahyun. And it makes Sana a little jealous. She just stood still on the other end of hallway and watched as another two people approached Dahyun and Momo. It were Nayeon and Chaeyoung. They are probably talking about something fun, because all of them were smiling and looking at Nayeon, who opened her locker with heart shaped sticker "Girls" on it.

"Jealous?" quite voice asked, causing Sana to jump in surprise. She turned around to see who scared her so much.

"Mina?" Sana asked as she turned around and saw her fellow Japanese friend. They did a special hand shake that they came up with for their 'Samurai' unit.
"Jealous?" Sana asked not really understanding what her friend was talking about.

"Yeah, that's what I said. You're jealous." Mina confirmed as she wrote something in her notebook.

"What?" Sana asked. Where did this came from? Sana looked at Mina and then at Dahyun again. She still stood next to lockers and talked with Momo, Chaeyoung and Nayeon. Nayeon hugged Chaeyoung and Dahyun, as they happily laughed about something.

"You're jealous. I know. Me too, that's alright." Mina truthfully answered and looked at Sana.
"I saw how you looked at Dahyun." she added and softly smiled.

"No I'm-" Sana tried to deny, but remembered Mina's words one again. "Wait. You're jealous too?" Sana looked at Mina and saw her looking at Chaeyoung who was still hugging Nayeon and Dahyun.

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