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{Butterfly by Loona}

"Dahyun-ah, Dahyun-ah!" Sana screamed loudly when she saw her friend. Sana smiled and ran to Dahyun. She was looking for her the whole day and had a lot of things to tell her. But for some reason, Dahyun wasn't there this day.

"Ah, unnie! What do you want?" Dahyun asked and smiled back at Sana. Dahyun loved it when her unnie was getting excited like a little kid from even some little things. It immediately got Dahyun in a good mood. It's just the thing, that Sana has, that makes Dahyun more comfortable and always laughing.

"You missed so much! I need to tell you a lot of things." Sana stopped talking. It was her way of making Dahyun say 'what exactly did I miss?'. And Dahyun knew that Sana wanted to hear it. So she smiled and...

"What exactly did I miss?" Dahyun asked and looked at Sana. She saw the way Sana's face lit up, but then she frowned her eyebrows a little. She was thinking about something for a couple of seconds.

"I won't tell you!" Sana said. She sticks her tongue out and ran away. Dahyun got surprised and ran after Sana. They only thing she could say was 'unnie!' because she was out of breath with all this running. Sana loudly laughed, while running away from Dahyun. At this moment her playful personality showed at its fullest. She ran to the back of the main stage, that faced the forest. She almost ran to the benches, but she saw Mina and Chaeyoung sitting there and talking.

"Unn-" Dahyun wanted to say something, but Sana covered her mouth. Dahyun looked at her confusedly, not really understanding what Sana is doing. Older girl just pointed at Mina and Chaeyoung sitting next to each other and talking. They couldn't hear their conversation, but they knew, that its something important.

"Isn't it a bad thing? To listen to other people's private conversations?" Dahyun asked and looked at Sana while tilting her head to the side, like a little puppy. Sana looked at Dahyun in response and smiled. This girl was way too cute to handle

"It's okay because they are our friends. And besides, we can't even hear them." Sana said with a small smile on her face. Dahyun thought about Sana's words for a moment. Maybe she's going crazy or being whipped for Sana... But her words actually made sense to Dahyun. Or younger girl just desperately wanted them to make sense and convinced herself, that they do. She nodded her head and continued looking at Mina and Chaeyoung.


"Mina-unnie..." Chaeyoung said while she looked at the harsh warm ground. Sun was already setting down. Camp colored in gorgeous red, orange, and yellow colors of the summer sun. Light reflected on girls' skin and made it look like sweet fresh honey. It was romantic.

"Yeah?" Mina asked her friend. She looked at Chaeyoung. She really admired her cute but at the same time fierce look. Everything about Chaeyoung was different. From her cute mole under her lips to her free-minded punk spirit. She was the definition of 'different'. And maybe exactly this different vibe attracted Mina.

"I want to get a tattoo," Chaeyoung said and finally looked at Mina. She wasn't sure if she was starting this conversation the right way. Or maybe she should just give up in conversations at all. Even since yesterday, her head was full of thoughts. About Mina, about her, about the clubs, about camp and her life in general. But the last thoughts that she had, changed her mind completely.

"The more you think about it, the more you hesitate. You know what you want. Shouldn't you just go and do it? If you just think about it, it wouldn't become a reality. So just go for it..."

"What would you get?" Mina's gentle voice stopped Chaeyoung's flashbacks to herself from yesterday. At the end, Chaeyoung said to herself, that she wants to be someone free, who's not afraid. And now she was sitting here, scared to confess her feelings. She felt like a little child.

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