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{God's Menu by Stray Kids}

Momo looked at the big mirror in the practice room and danced. Already 2 weeks into the camp life, but Momo is still practicing. Although it's summer and she has a break from school, she just can't stop dancing. She danced since she was 3 years old almost everywhere and anytime and this is probably something she loves the most in this world, after Heechul. And besides dance practice room in this camp is build not for nothing. Suddenly the door to the practice room opened. Momo stopped dancing and turned the music down.

"Hi." Momo heard a familiar voice. Her heart automatically felt warmer and she turned around. She saw Heechul. Both of them sweetly smiled at each other and looked at each other. It was really awkward for both of them. Usually, they didn't spend time alone with only two of them. They looked at each other in the eyes. "I..." Heechul started shyly. "I noticed you weren't in the house. I asked the girls and they said that you're practicing. But it already was two hours ago and it's already past midnight. So I thought I would bring some water and snacks." He said and looked at his hands.

"Thank you, Heechul-oppa," Momo said and smiled. She looked at his hands as well and saw a water bottle and popular these days chocolate-flavored pepero sticks. "I like your hair. I think those waves fit you a lot." Momo said and fixed Heechul's hair a little.

"I like your hair as well," Heechul answered and stared at Momo. Both of them just stood in the middle of the practice room and looked at each other for some time. They just wanted to admire the beauty of the person in front of them.

"O-Oppa..." Momo said with hesitation in her voice. She looked away, trying to gather her thoughts, while Heechul responded with a short 'Mm?'. She wanted to confess her feelings for a long time now, but couldn't find the right moment for this. And now, they are alone. It's just two of them in the dance practice room, late at night. "I think..." she looked at him. "I think I like it... I like you a lot," she said and looked at his lips.

"I..." Heechul was taken aback. Did Momo just say that she likes him? This is definitely is not something he was expecting to hear from her. "I like you too." He said and smiled. "No, I love you." Heechul hugged Momo.

"I love you too." She whispered to his ear and kissed his cheek, which visibly turned red. They looked at each other with huge smiles on their faces. And nothing else is needed.


"Sana... Sana-unnie, wake up!" Dahyun said, shaking a red-headed body in front of her. It's almost 2 am at night, but seems like School Meal Club didn't want to sleep at all.

"Eh? What? Dahyun-nie?" Sana asked as she opened her eyes and slowly started to wake up. She looked at Dahyun and realized that she's not supposed to be here. Sana then noticed, that behind Dahyun were Tzuyu, Lisa, Yuna, Yeri, and Jennie. "What are you doing here?" Sana asked. She was surprised to see so many people.

"Get up. We need some help." Dahyun said and helped Sana to get up. All seven of the awake girls looked at each other. Dahyun told everyone to go outside. And now Sana and others are standing outside of the house in their pajamas.

"We found out that they have Japanese snacks in the kitchen, but they don't want to feed students. And also the School Meal Club is running out of food." Dahyun explained and looked at Sana, while they were getting closer to the canteen building.

"Why me? And why Jennie is here?" Sana asked and grabbed Dahyun's hand when she heard something weird in the bushes. All girls stop walking and looked around. Nothing seemed to be off, so they just continued to walk. But Sana still was too afraid to let go of Dahyun. She felt safe while holding Dahyun.

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