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{Jelly Jelly by Twice}

"Hey, Minari~!" Sana yelled when she spotted her friend on the street. "Can't believe you stepped outside your house." Sana said and smiled. She took Mina's hand and started walking towards Momo's house. Weekends started and Sana wanted to spend some free time with her friends. Those days are the last weekends before summer break, so they must do everything they want, before they go to the camp. Yeah, maybe camp rules are not as strict as once, that school has. But they are still rules, that you must follow (even though Twice Club and their closest friends never followed the rules).

"Yeah, me too." Mina replied. She's probably the most introverted person in the world. It's really unusual for her to be outside. Mina likes to stay home and play some games with her friends or watch dramas. She can spend days and days like this. She always surprises her friends with how introverted she is. "Why are you going out with us tho?" Mina asked.

"Because Nayeon and Jeongyeon got in trouble again for fighting with someone or each other, I didn't kinda understood it, Tzuyu had to go with them because she's trying to save them as always, Dahyun said she needs to do something in the church with her parents or something like this and Jihyo and Chaeyoung are packing their stuff for the camp, because apparently they wanted to take some extra stuff with them. I don't know what did they meant by this, but still they are not available for the hang out. So yeah." Sana explained and clinged to Mina even more. They walked on the peaceful streets and were surprised, that they didn't meet many people in here. It's wasn't something that happened in Seoul. Usually huge crowds of people walked on the streets. But not now. Maybe, because today is Tuesday and they are practically skipping school. They got no classes today anyway.

"So we are the last people you asked and the only people who agreed?" Mina asked and looked at Sana. Sana nodded her head and laughed loudly. Mina slightly rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway. She still would've preferred to watch drama instead, but luckily enough she loves her friends. When they almost made it to Momo's house they heard someone screaming.

"DAD WHY DID YOU ATE MY JOKBAL?" Sana and Mina laughed, when they heard Momo's voice screaming. For some reason in didn't feel weird to hear something like this coming form Hirai household. Just another normal day at this house. They noticed Momo stepping outside with annoyed face. Sana and Mina looked at her with smiles on their faces. They didn't risk to ask anything out loud, but Momo could see a lot of questions in their eyes.

"Let's just go..." Momo said and made girls laugh. She really wanted to eat this jokbal. Girls continued walking to the café they wanted to spend their day in. Of course it was JYP Ice-cream café. This was Twice's favorite spot for most of their hang outs. Not only this cafè was popular, but it also serves some really, really cool ice-creams. For example Sana really liked Cheer Up ice-cream, that made her feel good every time she ate it. Momo's favorite is famous Fancy ice-cream that she always ordered (with Strawberry jam only!). And as for Mina she like Feel Special ice-cream with all those gold themed topings this ice-cream had. Those girls probably knew the menu better, then korean language.

"Don't you think it would be cool to learn how to do a back flip?" Sana asked when the girls stepped inside the café. It was cold and refreshing in here. Especially after hot streets of Seoul. Girls talked in Japanese and Korean mix as always and loudly laughed (except Mina, because she's always quiet).

"Should we learn it?" Momo asked when girls took a seat at the front. She looked around and noticed a familiar figures across the café. She looked at Sana and Mina and pointed at the people across them.

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