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{About Love by MARINA}

Extremely hot weather hit Seoul-Tokyo Summer Camp like a truck. Everyone was tired from the heat of the sun and tried to drink as much water as possible. Most of the people already went to swim in sea to cool down their bodies. And Twice Club weren't the exception.

"Woah, that was so nice..." Jihyo said and smiled. Girls were now going to their houses from the beach. Swimming in cold water definitely helped them to feel better in this awful weather. But weather was strong.

"Unnie!" Dahyun whispered to Sana and hold her by her hand. They were going last and nobody noticed their little interactions with each other. Well, probably they just played dumb, trying to make Saida stay alone with each other. By this point everyone knew that there's something going on between those two, except Dahyun and Sana themselves.
"Would you like to go grab some drinks?" Dahyun smiled and started dragging Sana to somewhere, before Sana could even agree. But, let's be honest Sana would agree to anything.

"What do you mean?" Sana asked with a slight smile on her face. Dahyun always makes her smile and wonder about what is going on in Kim's head.

"Yah, you're going to find out later, let's go Kim Sana, let's go!!" Dahyun laughed and started running, towards oh so known canteen. She really liked to piss of everyone who worked there. To be honest almost every staff person in this camp seemed angry and not interested. So all kids had to find their own ways of having fun. And while Dahyn was thinking about what exactly they're going to do, Sana thought about Dahyun giving her last name to Japanese girl. It gave Sana the amount of butterflies she have never experienced before.

"Unnie! Look!" Dahyun said, when they finally arrived to the kitchen's window. Younger girl pointed at the window. Or if we are being exact she pointed at the strawberry cocktail with ice, that one of the staff members made for themself. "Looks good, right?" Dahyun asked.

"Oh yeah!" Sana replied and looked at Dahyn. "But what are we going to do with this?" she asked and pointed at the person that stood next to this delicious drink. To be honest she trusted Dahyun with everything and already knew that blue haired girl had a solution for this. She just wanted to hear her explaining everything in detail.

"Well we're just going to throw a stone at the front window and they will go to check. And so we can sneak through the open window in the back and take it. Yeah, that's it." Dahyun said and already picked up the heavy stone from the ground. "Okay wait." She said to Sana and went to the front of the building.

Sana was nervous, but ready to start running any minute. She heard a glass cracking. Couple of seconds after this panicked Dahyun appeared. "Run, run, run, run, run..." Dahyun said while laughing. Both of them ran to the back quickly. "This was not my original plan. We need to be fast."

Dahyun helped Sana to go in to the window. Red haired girl quickly grabbed the cocktail and passed it to Dahyun, that once again helped her out. "You know I actually broke the window there!" Dahyun said on their way to the beach.

"I know! I heard the glass cracking. But what if they'll find out who did this?" Sana asked and unknowingly took Dahyun's hand. She was worried about Dahyun, who seem to break every rule in this camp.

"Nothing going to happen. They already know me and they don't really care about this camp anymore. It's not like two years ago." Dahyun said and both girls immediately drowned in their memories.


"Okay kids! Let's go!" It was the hottest summer Seoul-Tokyo camp had ever seen. So everyone decided to go to the beach. But, not Sana and Dahyun.

"Yah, Dahyun-ah! I found a cool spot in the forest!" Sana said and took Dahyun's hand. Dahyun smiled and got up first. Two girls ran away just like this.

"Look! It's here!" Sana said and showed Dahyun a little isolated by bushes and trees area in the forest. There also was a nice blanket and some lights with overall cozy atmosphere. "Cool, right? I think last year students left it here."

"Seems like you've wandered in the forest a lot." Dahyun said and smiled at Sana. She really like the place, that Sana have discovered. It was nice and suit the role of the "hide out" spot.

"Yeah... It's boring here anyways..." Sana said and looked around admiring the surrounding. "Do you want to stay here?" Sana asked and smiled. Dahyun just nodded with the same smile.

Both girls stayed there until the late night. They played games, discovered more interesting things and had a lot of fun with each other.
"Starts look beautiful tonight..." Dahyun said, while looking at the night sky and laying next to Sana.

"Yes, they do... But why do starts light up every night...?" Sana asked a childish question, trying to make Dahyun smile.

"Maybe someone needs their shine... Someone waits for them every time... And calls those little dots... Pearls..." Dahyun said and looked at Sana. "We all need starts in our lifes, but some starts happen to be inside people and some are in the sky..." Dahyun smiled and holded Sana's hand. She pointed Sana's finger at the brightest star. "See?" she asked.

"Yeah... That's the brightest star." Sana answered, trying to figure out what Dahyun was trying to say.

"One day..." Dahyun paused for some reason. "You will shine brighter than this star... Because you will be someone's star." Dahyun laughed a little.

"I didn't know you were this romantic." Sana said and hugged Dahyun. "I wish to be your brightest star." Sana said not really understanding that she sounds like she confessing her love to Dahyun.

"You are my moon, unnie." Dahyun said and laughed. She didn't pay much attention to the meaning of their words. "Because even on the darkest nights you are with me" Just after Dahyun finished this phrase...

"Yah!! Kim Dahyun and Minatozaki Sana!" Someone yelled. It was someone from the stuff. Girls quickly stood up and looked at them. Behind the staff people were their friends. "We searched for you this whole day!
Why would you run away?" staff was yelling, but Dahyun and Sana didn't even know what to answer. They just followed Twice club to their houses.

|-|-|-|-|end of flashback|-|-|-|-|

Girls made it to the beach. Sun was still shining bright so a lot of people were at the beach. Girls walked to the most silent area, where nobody could see them.

"I think I like it now more..." Sana said. "Now we are free in our actions..." she added and smiled.

"One's freedom is other's prison." Dahyun said with a serious face. Sana just rolled her eyes and slightly hit Dahyun.

"Let's run away again?" Sana asked and took Dahyun's hand. She looked her in the eyes and smiled. Sana took it as a chance to make a move.

"Tomorrow we will do something for only two of us if you want it so bad." Dahyn said with a mysterious smile. She drank the cocktail and headed to the house with Sana's hand in hers.

They stayed in the Camps Meal Club house this time again. Falling asleep together while hugging each other felt so comfortable to both of them. They felt like it was the only way they can sleep.

It became the part of their every night routine.

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