Heros vs. Villans (part 1)

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It's friday now. You and Bakugo were in class. You two didn't talk, bakugo was talking with kirishima and you were just listening to music. Basically everyday, I mean you two do live together so why do we always have to talk to one another.

"Okay class, we are going to do an activity outside. So go put on your hero's suits." Aizawa said as he opened a shelf that was hidden in the walls, with our suitcases with our costumes in it.

You grab your case and head to the girls locker room. Your costume wasn't all that like the rest of the girls. It was just an (f/c) bodysuit. Going all out isn't really your thing. When you put the costume on, let's just say it was tight. Exposing your body, but it's nothing you can't work with.

Basically all the girls were showing off their body, but you love their hero suits. You put your hair up in a ponytail, and head out to the field. The boys were already done. You swear that all have a speed quirk.

You saw some guys checking you guys out. I mean, you all are wearing tight and exposing costumes. You stand next to bakugo, as the number one hero, all might begin to talk.

"Okay we are going to do villains vs heroes. Everyone is going to be in a team of three. There will be a fake bomb inside the building, that the villains will protect. The hero's have to touch the bomb before the timer runs out to be declared the winner." All might tell us. This sounds like fun, but yet that depends which group you're in.

"Okay I'm going to start assigning everyone there group." You really didn't pay attention, until you heard your group.

Villains: Bakugo, Ida, Y/N

Heroes: Todoroki, uraraka, midoriya

"Whoa looks like you're in a group with bakugo. Don't die on me, because of him." Denki whispers in my ear.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" you reassured him.

When all might call the first group out, You really didn't pay attention, because you were trying to figure out which person you should go after. That's until Ida and Bakugo went up to you.

"Okay listen here Extra's, I'll go after that damn deku. Shorty will go after icy hot. And Engine legs will stay with the bomb."  Bakugo told us.

"You should be more respectful to your classmates, and not give us foolish nicknames." Ida said while he was doing the chopping the air Motion with his hands

"Tch, whatever. Just don't get in my way, deku is mine." Bakugo said as he walked away.

'We'll seem like I'm going after Todoroki. His quirk is very powerful, but he only uses his ice side, so this should be easy. However, I have the same quirks as him so it shouldn't be a problem.' thought to myself.

I went to go grab some water, because my match is next. As I came back to the Monitor room, I saw that team A won. Now it was my team turn.

All might put you, Ida , and bakugo in the room with the bomb inside. While the other team is outside waiting until all might give the go ahead.

Right when All Might said begin, You and bakugo ran out the room, looking for the others. Eventually we found them. They were both together, but uraraka was nowhere to be seen. Bakugo didn't waste any time after midoriya. He always hated him, but now he hates him more because he had a quirk all this long.

You went right past them to go after Todoroki. Todoroki blasts some ice at you, but you quickly melted it and blasted him with air.

You blast him with your air element, which sent him flying. He built an ice wall right behind him, so he won't take a rough fall. You Propel yourself forward, trying to land a hit on him.

He got out of the way, and Your fist collided with the ice wall. Now your left hand is broken. You held in your screams and fell to the floor. Your right hand started to shake Violently because of the pain. You held onto your broken hand with your shaking hand and got up.

"Hey, are you o- '' Todoroki couldn't finish his sentence because there was a big blast coming our way. Bakugo blast.

Todoroki quickly got out of the way. However, you were a second to late. Half of your face got burned. You look like Todoroki's lost sibling. You fell onto your knees, holding onto your face in pain.

Todoroki came up to you, and ice your burn. You lean the back of your head onto todoroki chest, as he continues to ice your burn. You both then feel the ground starting to shake. After it stopped shaking, All might say the hero team won.

You tried to get up, but your legs were weak. Todoroki then carries you, bridal Style and starts walking to recovery girl. Halfway there you pass out from all the pain.

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