🔞"To My Room"🔞

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~Back to yours point of view~

You just got done watching the movie. And MAN you were scared as shit. Like every jump scare there was, you put your head onto Denki's chest. To me he seemed like he wasn't a big fan of scary movies, but he wasn't even scared ONCE.

You guys were done with the movie and decided to go out for dinner. You told  katsuki you were going to come home late, and you won't make it to dinner. All he said in response was, 'watch when you come home.' He wouldn't do anything, right?

Denki took you to a fast food restaurant. Even though you want to keep your body in top shape, it wouldn't hurt to eat fast food once. Beside, school starts in two months. So I have time to keep my body in shape.

You both walk in, and get a table for two. You order (favorite food) and (favorite drink). While Denki orders a hamburger. You guys talked for a while, while you guys ate. You guys then finish up, pay, and head out.

Denki started to walk you home because it was late, and didn't want anything bad to happen to you. You eventually made it to your place. You gave denki a hug, as you told him bye and good night. When you walked in you saw katsuki on the couch watching TV.

"You know it's 11:24pm, right?" bakugo said, as he turned off the TV.

You took off your shoes, and then checked the time on your phone. Shit it was so late. I didn't know I was hanging out with Denki for that long.

"Oh, I didn't know. I guess we lost track of time." you scratch the back of your neck nervously.

Bakugo then got up and right up to you.

At some point your guys faces were so close that your lip was about to touch his. He then said,

"This is what you get for coming home late."

You closed your eyes as he said that, and you felt his lips onto yours. You being you, you started to kiss him back. He grip onto your wrist, and put it above your head. As the other hand was around your neck.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Your lips were kinda open so he put his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues moving in synchron. He then slid his tongue back into your mouth. The fight for dominance didn't last long, since he started to move his hand. He then removes his hands from you. He stopped kissing you.  He tosses you over his shoulders, as he walks upstairs.

"Where are we going?" you question

" To my room." He anwer

You didn't have a chance to say something back. As he threw you on to his bed. He then went on top of you, and started to kiss you again. His hand started to travel down your body, and it landed onto your thigh.

He started to rub your thigh up and down. His hand started slowly going into your inner thighs. He pressed down on your weak spot, which made you moan. He kept on pressing down on your weak spot on your thighs, which made you keep moaning between kisses.

He then stopped kissing you, and went down onto your neck. He went right to your weak spot. Which made you moan more as he was sucking on it and biting it, while he continued to press down on your weak spot on your thighs.

He then slowly remove your pants, continuing sucking and biting your neck. He made his way into your underwear, as he slowly enters two of his fingers in your pussy. You moans started to become louder, as he went faster and faster on your cunt. You grip onto his hair, but not pulling it too hard. You try to cover your mouth, but bakugo pin your other hand down. You started to feel a knot in your stomach. You were close to coming.

"Damn, your so fucking tight. I always wanted to do this to you, you know?" "Kat ahh~ suki, i'm abou ahh~ about to-" bakugo knew what you were about to say. He started to go max speed on you, as you arch your back a bit.

You couldn't hold it in anymore. You came all over his fingers. You started to breathe heavily, as bakugo took his hand out of your cunt. Bakugo then stopped sucking on your neck, as he left big and small, dark and light hickeys. Bakugo looked up to you, but you were looking up at the ceiling. He then leans into your ear.

"i'm the only person that can make you feel this good. Got it?" bakugo told you, kinda in a demanding voice. Almost sounding like he wants you to say yes. And if you didn't he'll kill you. I mean he does make you feel good, in all the right places as well.

You nodded your head yes, because you didn't feel like talking, because you was trying to process what just happened. Bakugo then got off of you. You sat up, and ran your fingers thru your hair.

You left his room, and headed to the bathroom. You take off your clothes and hop into the warm-cold shower. You then finish up, put on your pjs, brush your teeth, night skin routine, and head to your room.

You hop onto your bed, turning on the AC. As you put on some nice sleeping music ( or not, if you think that stupid) put your phone to charge, and went off to bed.

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