🔞"I'll Text You My Location"🔞

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It is the following day, and it was now the night time. You were in Bakugo room watching a movie. You simply overlook what happened the other day , and proceeded onward. Both of you were on the bed, your head on his chest. While he ran his fingers through your (h/c) hair.

You guys were watching 365 days. And MAN your holy eyes were not prepared. You basically close your eyes for half of the movie so far, as bakugo just laughs at you as he continues to watch it.

You attempted to leave multiple times, yet Bakugo just kept you down. At that point there was this inappropriate scene that went ahead. Some lady was tie up, naked. You quickly close your eyes. At that point Bakugo lean down to your ear.

"You know. Me and You can do that someday~" bakugo said, in a low seductive tone. As he growed a little in your ear.

Your face turn into a bright red, as you bury your face into bakugo chest. Bakugo lift up your head by the chin to look at him, but you didn't made eye contact with him because you knew your face were still bright red.

" You look so cute when you are blushing," bakugo said in a low tone.This is out of charterter for him. He always yelling, so when he talk low-

"S-shut up" You stutter on your words.

Directly out of the blue, he landed a kiss onto your lips. He cupped your face, so you unable to retreat. Well, you only live once, right? And you think he is hot anyway. So why not have some fun. You began to kiss him back, as you try to get in an agreeable position.

Bakugo bit the bottom of your lip, asking for entrance. However being your stubborn self, you didn't let him. He noticed you were not going to let him in, so he grabbed your ass and squeezed them. You opened your mouth a bit, because of what he did.

He didn't waste no time, and slid his tongue into your mouth. He started to move his tongue all over in your mouth. Not leaving one spot untouch by him, as he continues to squeeze your ass, as you let out soft and low moans.

You both broke out of the kiss trying to get air into yours lungs, as yall left a thread of saliva. Right when bakugo caught his breath again, he went back to kissing you. He then flips you over, you now on your back as he on top of you. He then slid his hand under your hoodie, massaging your breast. As he went down kissing your neck.

You let out soft moans after moans as he kisses your neck. You then let out a little bit more louder one, because he found your weak spot. You felt him smirk on your neck, as he bit and suck on that one spot while you continued to let of medium sounds moans.

He removed his hand that was once on your breast, as he brought it down into your pants. He rub two of his fingers up and down on your clit.

As he was about to stick his two fingers inside of you, you both were interrupt, because your phone rang. You push off bakugo, as you go to grab your phone. And it was kaminari.

Without hesitation you pick up the phone, laying back in bed on your stomach. You saw bakugo with kinda a piss off face, but you didn't pay no mind to it.

"Hey kaminari!"

"Hey L/n! I just wanted to know if you were free tomorrow?"

" yeah, I'm free tomorrow, why?"

" I just wanted to know if you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Yeah sur-"

Bakugo got bored real fast. So he pull down your pant along with your panties throwing them across the room somewhere, and started playing with your ass. Squeezing and smacking it. Watching in amusement as your ass jiggles.

"Um L/n are you still there?"

"Umm yeah. Sure i'll hang out with you."

Right when you said that, bakugo smacked your ass hard. You turn around and glare at him. He turns you back around and landed another hard slap on your ass.

" Hey are you alright? What was that sound in the background?"

" yeah i'm fine. Is that my FRIEND-"

You then kick bakugo off the bed.

"Was just being noisy. You know, the one I was with at the arcade."

" oh yeah I remember him. Wait, are you two together? Was I interrupting your time?"

" No we are not together. I just lived with him since I was 6"

"oh alright. So, I was thinking of going to the movies in the evening? I'll pick you up, and we can walk there."

" yeah sure. Sounds like a date! I'll text you my location."

" Alight. I'll see you tomorrow! Bye L/n."

" bye Kaminari. See you tomorrow!"

You hang up the phone. Bakugou then landed another hard smack onto you ass, you turn around to see bakugo back on the bed looking at you.

"What?" you question.

"So you got a date tomorrow?" bakugo asked. Kinda piss off.

"Well more like hanging out, but yeah." you answer.

Bakugo then flips you around, and gets on top of you laying on your chest as he got comfortable.

" you're freaky heavy" you comiplan

" deal with it. You're staying here tonight." bakugo demanded.

"I see that you wasn't complaining when I was spanking you. It seems like you enjoy it. I should spank you more." Bakugou said is a low, but seductive tone.

"Yeah sureeeeee~" you said with a playful tone. But now you kinda regret that.

Bakugo then got off of you. He then sat up, and bend you over his lap.

"What the hell are you doing katsu-" you couldn't even finish your sentence.

Bakugou then spank your ass hard. To be honest, this really turns you on. You let out a small moan.  Bakugo then began to speak.

"If that-" *spank* "pikachu boy-" *spank* "tries to-" *spank* "touch you-" *spank* "he fucking-" *spank* "dead." *spank* "got it?" *spank*

You were SUPER TURN ON OF HIM SPANKING YOU. Yeah I know I'm weird that this turns me on, but still. Some moans escape your mouth, but you didn't even care.

"Yeah. I got it." You answer.


Bakugo then put you back onto the bed, as he lays his head on your breast. Putting all his weight onto again.

He turned off the TV, and put the covers over us. He let out a sigh as he started drifting off to sleep. There was no way you can get his weight off of you, so you just gave up. You run your fingers through his hair.

He loves when you run your fingers through his hair, but HE WOULD NEVER LET YOU GIVE HIM AN MASSAGE! He is always so sore after training so I offer him a massage, but he keeps on saying 'I don't need a massage'. Fucking liar.

You let go of that thought as you started to drift off to sleep as well. Wrapping your arms around him. Forgetting the stinging pain on your ass, and you not even wearing pants.

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