🔞"Taking A Shower! Byeeeee!"🔞

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A/N: sorry about the wait, even though it's been four days😁


It is now Wednesday. The day we all have to go back to school. The alarm went off, and I slammed the snooze button. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes. I look to my side, still seeing Bakugo asleep.

"Katsuki, Katsuki it's time to get up." I called out to him. "Katsuki!" I said a bit louder this time. ".....suck my dick....." he mumbled.

I knew he was just sleeping talking, but it might wake him up anyway. I turn him over onto his stomach, and I rearrange my position.

I pull his pants and underwear down at the same time. 'Damn it's huge. And it's been in me twice,' I thought to myself.

I held onto the base of his member, then kissed the tip. I lick down to the base, earning a grown from him. Spreading all of my saliva all over his member, I slowly started bobbing my head up and down. Taking a bit more each time I got down.

After doing this for a couple of minutes, I felt Bakugo hand grabbing a fist full of my hair. He suddenly pushes my head down, making me take it all in my mouth. He kept me in that position for a good 10 seconds, til I went up for air.

"You're a freaky little girl, aren't you?~" Once I got air back into my lungs, he forced me back down, taking his member back in my mouth. "Fuck~ when we get back from school, I'm going to fuck that pretty pussy of yours~ got that?" "Hmm" I tried giving him an answer.

But that just made him buckle deeper into my mouth. He was going crazy hard on me, but surprisingly I wasn't gagging. After a few thrusts, he was about to come.

"Fuckkk~ I'm going to cum~ I'm going to cum in you mouth okay~fuck~ say something quickly~" I shake my head yes, and he thrust into me one more time and held me in place. Shooting his cum inside my mouth.

As he came, he let out a deep sigh. He let's go of my hair. I swallow the come and open my eyes again. "Morning!" I sat back up. "Why did you do that? Couldn't get enough of me?" He smirks. "You said so, but you were probably just sleeping talking." I shrugged my shoulders, and got off the bed.

"Taking a shower! Byeeeee!" I grab my towel and uniform, before heading to the bathroom. I strip naked before getting in the sshower.

As I was washing my hair, I felt a hand grabbing my throat, and the other one going down to my pussy and entering two fingers.

"Ahh~ K-Katsuki~" I moan out. "I thought I should repay the favor" he whispered seductively in my ear, before biting it.

"F-fuck~" I rested the back of my head on his shoulder. He then leans in, and slams his lips onto mines. He slips his tongue in, as I continue to moan.

"Fuck, your so tight. What? Are you going to come? Come for me teddy bear." He whispered in my ear. That sent me over my limit, and I came all over his fingers.

"Teddy bear? What's up with the nickname?" I turn my body around to face him. "Because the teddy bear I won you. But don't get to attach, I'm not calling you that in public." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now hurry up or we are going to be late."


We got to class, and since it was homeroom, Aizawa always sleeps because homeroom isn't that important. Just to do homework or something like that.

I sat at my desk next to Bakugo, sketching a drawing of Bakugo with a smile on, on my tablet. I'm almost done with it. I just gotta add color.

As I add the finishing touches, Bakugo snatches my tablet away. "The fuck you doing?" He looks at me, then at my tablet. " No, I'm deleting this." He erased my hard work I've been working on for a while. Then handed me my tablet.

Two weeks of hard work, down the drain.

I sigh, wondering what I should draw now. I decided to draw my favorite anime character. I started drawing my anti social gamer boy, kenma from haikyuu (you can change it if you want. not from mha😂🖐)

And that's basically what I did, until it was time for math class. Ectoplasm explained what we were going to do today, and started handing out packets. "When you are done, you are free for the rest of the class, until lunch time. Present mic is on a mission, so you won't have English after this class. You can also work with other people if you like." He explained.

Everyone started working with their friends. They probably ain't going to get work done. I plugged in my headphones, and started working. Working with other people is not my thing.

To me, Math is very easy. I was already on the 4th page of the 10 page packet. As I was working, Bakugo pulled out one of my earbuds. "How do you do this again?" Bakugo showed me his paper. The equation was 2x + 3 = 15 (A/N: low-key wondering why there are letters in math)

"Okay, the problem is 2x plus 3 equal 15. First you minus 3 on both sides, which now makes the equation 2x equal 12. Then you divide 2 on each side. So x is equal to 6." I explained, as he wrote it down,

I am now on my final page, and Bakugo is on his 9th. I finished up the last question, closed my package, packed all my stuff, and got up to hand it to the teacher. He checked it real quick, and told me I was good to go.

I was the first one to get done, now everyone is talking how I must be smart and a fast worker. I mean, I finished the package in under 15 minutes. I shrugged it off, and left the class.

I started heading to the rooftop, just to chill, and watch anime until lunch. As I was about to lay down and start watching, (favorite anime show/movie) Bakugo texted me.

Where the fuck are you?

On the rooftop👆

I set my phone down, and went back to my tablet, watching (favorite anime show/movie). As I was watching my show/movie, I saw the door open, revealing Bakugo.

"Didn't know you can find this place." I pause my show/movie. "Tch, it wasn't that hard to find, dumbass." He rolled his eyes, before walking up to me. "The hell are you watching?" He questioned. "Porn." I straightly answer.

"You fucking weird." He turned around, heading back to the door. "Katsuki wait! I was just kidding. I'm watching a video that denki sent of him having sex with Kirishima." I laugh. He started to make his way to the door again.

"Katsuki noooo! I'm just watching anime. I promise!" I told him. He stops, then turns back around, walking right back to me. He lays down next to me, and puts an arm over his eyes.

"Tell me when it's lunch time, shrimp." "Yeah okay." I answer. And with that, he fell asleep.

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