"Are You Ready To Go?"

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Today was the day you were going on a date. Well, to hang out with kaminari.  You took a shower then got ready, because you kinda over slept. Well, you didn't but bakugo wouldn't move. So I was stuck there. You decide to wear gray sweatpants, with a crop white shirt that shows your shoulders. ( shoes can be your choice.)


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You head downstairs to make yourself a quick snack before kaminari gets here. Bakugo was just in his room gaming or something. You then receive a text message from kaminari.

"Hey L/n. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

" Alright! See you soon."

You continue to eat your snack, as you wait. It was about 4 minutes and you forgot your money upstairs. Bakugo came downstairs, while you went upstairs to grab your money. You then hear a knock on the front door, but you were looking everywhere where you place your money.

"KATSUKI, CAN YOU LET HIM IN FOR ME?" you yell from upstairs

You then heard the front door open. You put on some perfume, deodorant, fix up your hair a bit, and a tiny bit of make-up. You gotta make a good impression, because Kaminari can be your first friend (besides Bakugo) in forever.

You usually keep your door locked so bakugo won't go in, but you were in a rush. You grab the money and left your room.

You head downstairs seeing bakugo giving kaminari a death glare. You saw how uncomfortable kaminari was, so you went right up to him.

"Ah L/n, you're here." kaminari said awkwardly. "Are you ready to go?" kaminari question. "Yup! Just let me put on my shoes" you said

You went to the front door putting on your shoes, while kaminari was right next to you. You wave bye to bakugo, as you and kaminari head out. You guys walked in silence for a minute, before you spoke up.

"What kind of movie are we watching?" You ask. "Well i don't really know. I haven't seen what was going to be on today." kaminari said, as he scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well it looks like it's going to be a surprise then." you laugh.

You and kaminari talk all the way there, talking about heroes. Getting to know each other better. He even let you call him by his first name, as you let him call you to by your first name as well.

When you first met Denki you two talked everyday. He is the first friend, beside bakugo I ever made. And it's kinda nice. Sometimes he even comes to your job, just to see you. He comes there when you are working, ordering something. You were always his waiter, because he always requested for you.

Unlike him, Bakugo comes to my job once a month because he has nothing better to do. You really didn't mind it though, because you see him everyday. Eventually, I'm going to quit my job when I start going to school. Which is two months away. So i'm trying to save up as much money as I can. Even though you have so much money saved, that can last you 20 years.

Friends With Benefits//K.BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now