🔞"If She Wants To Play Dirty, let's play"🔞

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y/n point of view~

We got home, and I'm so tired. I took off my shoes and headed up the stairs. I heard bakugo calling out to me. Something about dinner, but I was way too tired. He yelled.


When he yelled, that woke you up a little bit, then you felt hungry.

" yeah sure, just let me take a shower first to wake myself up."

And with that you went upstairs. You got your short pants and decided to wear a sports bra. To you it feels comfortable sleeping in a sports bra, but you never walk around the house wearing one. You just wear it when you workout and train with bakugo.

You head to the bathroom. You decide to take a cold shower to wake yourself up. When the cold water touches your bare skin, you let out a sign of relief. After about 10 minutes in the shower you heard someone come into the bathroom. You peek your head out of the curtains, and saw bakugo there.

" may I help you"

Bakugo turned around so fast your eyes couldn't keep out of him. You look at him confused, but he couldn't see your expression.

"y-your b-reast are showing" bakugo stuttered, still facing the door.

You looked down and saw that you were showering your top half. Your face turned to a bright red and quickly went back into the shower. Turning it off and grabbing your towel. Getting out of the shower.

" I just wanted to say that dinner is ready," bakugo said as he faced you again.

You saw the pink shade on his cheeks,but you didn't want to say anything because you were still blushing.

" Alright Just give me a sec to put on my clothes."

" alright, but don't take to long or your food with get cold dumbass"

And with that bakugo left the bathroom. I love my food hot, so I put on my clothes as fast as I can and ran downstairs. You grab your food and head to the dining table where bakugo was.
Once again you saw bakugo blushing, but you didn't want to bully him about it because you just wanted to eat. You sat down on the table and started to eat your food. When you looked up, you saw bakugo staring at you. So you just wanted to make a joke about it.

" Take a picture, it will last longer" you said with a smirk, as you continue to eat your food.

"Why are you wearing that?" bakugo question

"Because why not?" you answer back, as you wink at him.

He didn't respond, so you guys continue to eat in silence. After a while you both finish. You took his plate to wash it, since he made dinner. You walk over to the snik washing the dishes. Then bakugo walk up behind you, and grab your breast as he push you back. Your back presses against his chest. He then lean in to your ears, and his was messaging your breast.

" If you wanted my attention, you could have just asked~" bakugo said, as he whispered into your ear in a seductive tone. Continuing messaging your breast.

At that point you were a blushing mess. You couldn't even move at this point. Bakugo let go of your breast as he went up stairs. You stood still for a few seconds in shock. You then continue washing the dishes, then putting the dishes away.

You dry your hands then then go upstairs to your room. You lay down not feeling tired no more. So you watch TV puting the volume high, trying to forget what just happened.

Bakugo point of view~

For some reason I was so confident. I went up to y/n and grabbed her breast. To be honest I was going to grab her waist, but my arms had a mind of their own. Which I was not complaining about.

I push her up to my chest as I lean into her ear.

" If you wanted my attention, you could have just asked~" I said, as I whispered into your ear as I tried to say it in a seductive tone. Continuing messaging her breast, that was so soft. These can be my next pillow.

Since my parents are not going to be home for a while, why not have fun with her. If you know what I mean. I went up to my room, leaving y/n a blushing mess.

Soon later I heard her enter her room. Then she puts the volume so fucking high. Did she forget my room is RIGHT NEXT TO HERS?! I got out of my bed, and went to her bedroom. I didn't even knock, I just walked in.

" what?" y/n ask, as she sat up

"the volume, IS SO FUCKING HIGH" I shooted at her.

"So? You have headphones. Put them on." y/n spat back.

That's it! I went right to her bed and tried to grab the remote away from her, but she wouldn't let me. I was now on her bed trying to get the remote away from her. Damn she is so frustrating.

" well it looks like you don't give me no choice" y/n look at you confuse

You then jumped on top of her, and started to tickle her. She was laughing so hard. She told me to stop, but I didn't. Soon later she drops the remote, and I grab it. I put the volume down and put the remote in my back pocket.

"You can get the remote back tomorrow." I told her.

She then smirks at me, and, up lean up to face. We are just an inch away from kissing. Y/n learn in a little bit more. Then, THAT BITCH GRAB THE REMOTE FROM MY POCKET! She rolled off the bed, as she put the volume up.

Fine then, if she wants to play dirty. Let's play. After a while of chasing her in her room. I finally got a hole in her hand. I pulled her in, and gave her a kiss. She completely froze. I kiss her for a little bit longer, then I grab the remote away from her hand and put the TV low. I stopped kissing her.

She had a shocked and confused look, as I waved the remote in her face with a smirk. As I left her room. I went back into my room and locked my door so she couldn't get the remote. I placed it down on the table and went back to bed. I look up at the ceiling, thinking.

'Damn, I really kiss that shrimp. Her lips were so soft, it was like I could kiss her forever. And the best thing is, she KISS ME BACK! Hhm, this will be fun.

y/n point of view~

As the katsuki waved the remote in my face, I was completely shocked. I couldn't even move. As he left the room, I snapped out of it and about to go into his room, but then I heard him lock his door. I let out a sigh, and closed my door.

I lay on my bed thinking.

' that firecracker really kisses me. And for some reason, I KISS HIM BACK! But why? I never really thought about him like that. Damn, he might pull more stunts like these since his parents aren't home. Well, this is going to be interesting.

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