"No One Ask You To Stick Your Ass Up In The Air."

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Today is the day we start U.A. Of course you and bakugo got in because you both are complete badasses. You are currently putting on your uniform, and DAMN the uniform skirt is short. Well go think it comes with shorts underneath, and high-knee stocking.

You finish putting on your uniform. The uniform is kinda tight so it kinda shows off your body. But oh well. You let down your (H/L) (H/C) put on a little bit of perfume and head downstairs seeing bakugo there on the couch. He is always the first one down. It's like he is the flash or something.

You made yourself a quick breakfast and sat down on the table. As you were eating your breakfast, bakugo called out to you.

"That uniform is a little too tight on you, don't you think?" bakugo questioned you.

The uniform didn't really bother you, only the length of the skirt. "No, I think it fits perfectly on me. Don't you think?" you said as you got up and gave him a look at your uniform. You then saw his face kinda turn pink a bit.

"Umm... what's with the shirt? They really gave it to you that short?" bakugo said, as he kinda Hesitated.

" I know right. But good thing it comes with shorts underneath." you said as you lifted up your skirt a bit for him to see the shorts.

You finish up your breakfast. You and bakugo grab your bookbags and went to the door to put on your guys shoes. Again, bakugo finished putting on his shoes like the flash. You bend down to grab one of your shoes, until bakugo started dry humping you. You Immediately stood up straight and look at bakugo. Glaring at him.

"Really?" you said still glaring at him. He gave you a smirk in return. "No one ask you to stick your ass up in the air." bakugo said, as he landed a slap on your ass before grabbing it.

"You're really an ass guy, aren't you?" You face him, waiting for his response. "Well yeah, you're looking thick back there." He turns you back around and landed another slap.

You sigh as you bend back down, only for him to pull up your skirt, grab your waist and dry hump you again. You turn back around and glared at him once more.

You put on your shoes quickly then walk out of the house. Bakugo follows right behind you. He soon caught up to your pace, now your both are walking side by side. The walk to the school wasn't even that long. It was like a 15 minute walk.

You both have the same class, so you went to go find it together. As you guys walk in you didn't see lots of students because bakugo wanted to come early so he can pick his own sit. As you guys walk around trying to find your class, you see other girls wearing short skirts as well.

"See I'm not the only one wearing short skirts." You nudge bakugo. All you got in return was a Tch. Ah yes, when bakugo goes out in public he loves to put up with his bad boy act.

Soon later you both found your class 1-A. You both walked in and saw no one there. You both sat in the front together.

(A/N just pretend that in the show the desks are paired up in two's and three's. Please and thank you.)

You just put on your headphones, put on some music, and put your head down. While bakugo just put his feet onto the desk, waiting until class started. One by one more students enter the classroom, but you didn't Acknowledge them.You just wanted to listen to your music. An ad pop cutting off your music. You then hear bakugo arguing with some other student.

"HUH?' bakugo said

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by stuffing school property." some dude with glasses

"Your kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass?" bakugo spat back.

You just sat there listening to them arguing. You guys were Receiving some looks that say, 'they look like trouble makers.' I mean sure you get detention at your old school from time to time, because for some reason it's bad to correct a teacher.

The dude with glasses went up to you, bowing.

"Hello, my name is Tenya Iida. It's nice to meet you." You look at him Dumbfounded. "Yeah, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" you told him kinda rudely. He gave you a small nod, before he walked away to greet the other students.

Again people were giving you looks, that you just shrugged off while bakugo didn't even see them. More students were walking in. Kirishima walk in and greeted bakugo. They talk a couple of times over the summer, but nothing too big. 

Then the best person walks into the room. Denki Kaminari. He calls out to you, as you wave at him smiling. He went up to you and gave you a hug, as you returned it back. You heard a 'tch' from bakugo which made you broke out of the hug to look at him.

He took a seat which was kinda far away from you. Then there was that broccoli boy that bakugo always hated and that you wasn't allow to be friends with him because he quirkless. You were kinda a surprise that he even made here, even though he quirkless. You turn your head to face bakugo which he was just giving him a glare. He took a seat behind us. Eventually all the students have arrived.

Then everyone got quiet when they saw a caterpillar walking in. We soon realized that it was our teacher. He then introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Shouta Aizawa. Your teacher." everyone then grasp beside you, bakugo and the one and todoroki. You wouldn't say that todoroki is your friend because you saw him like twice a month, and the two of you never talk just train. But it's been forever since the two of us train. He probably forgot about you already.

"Alright let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." aizawa said as he handed out the gym uniform. 

All the boys and girls went their separate Ways. They all got ready and headed outside, seeing the teacher already outside. He looks familiar, but you can't put your finger on it.

"Now bakugo. You manage to get the most points in the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw in junior High?" Aizawa questions in his emotionless tone.

" 67 meters I think," bakugo answered. "Okay right. Now try using it with your quirk." aizawa stated.

Bakugo walks into the circle where he is supposed to throw his ball at. Aizawa tossed the ball to bakugo, as bakugo got ready. Bakugo activates his quirk, as he screams 'DIE!"  and the ball went flying. Aizawa then shows the results that bakugo got. 705.2m Once again the whole class grasp beside you,bakugo, and todoroki.

"Now L/N. You manage to score the highest in the recommendation and written exams. What was your farthest distance throw in junior High?" Aizawa questions you, as you heard a few gasps in the background probably because you score the highest in the recommendation and written exams.

"55 meters" you answer.  "Okay right. Now try using it with your quirk." Aizawa stated, as he tossed the ball at you.

You walk to the circle as bakugo walk back, before saying something. "Try to beat that." bakugo whispers in your heart as he walks by. You chuckle at him as you get ready to throw the ball. You active your black fire and your black electricity to give it a little boost. You travel all that power into your hand where you were holding the ball in. It basically looks like a thunder storm in your hand.

Right when Aizawa said you can go. You threw the ball as hard as you can, also using your physical strength. And that ball flew. You couldn't even see that ball anymore, it's probably not going to come down anytime soon. Aizawa then shows the class what you got. 1,946.7m. Now everyone, and I mean everyone had their jaw drop. You were kinda surprise yourself. You didn't know you can throw it that far.

You all continue doing the quirk assessment test. You did awesome in all of them, beside the strength test. Aizawa as we soon later found out that he was Eraserhead showed our scores. And no surprise you got 1st. Of course you did. You're a complete badass.

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