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"ᴇʏᴇs. ʟᴜɴɢs. ᴘᴀɴᴄʀᴇᴀs. sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ sɴᴀᴄᴋs, sᴏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ." 

- ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍ

Damian Cowell was in the bathroom of his Queens apartment. He finished washing his face and he looked into his bathroom mirror. He lifted his face, inspecting his neck and chest. Damian had just come home from a late night jog, feeling a bit under the weather. The young college student went jogging at his local park when he saw a large blue object fall from the sky and land in the nearby area. Due to his naturally curious nature, he went to investigate. He didn't remember much of the incident, but he went to pick up a black, almost slimy like substance when he suddenly blacked out.

Damian awoke moments later, not remembering why or how he fell unconscious. All he could remember was feeling groggy and ill. His head was pounding and he felt a pressure build in his chest. His muscles ached like he had just spent hours powerlifting.

Damian turned off the light in his bathroom and went to bed. He set his alarm and pulled the covers over himself. However, he felt hot and restless, so he threw the covers off immediately. Damian tossed and turned on the bed before sitting up, his breathing becoming deeper. He felt his palms starting to sweat as well as his forehead.

The young man decided to throw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweats and sneakers before heading out the door of his apartment. He was feeling very unwell and thought it would be best to take himself to the hospital. He pulled out his phone and called an Uber, and waited patiently for it to arrive. After about fifteen minutes, his driver arrived in front of his complex.

He climbed into the back of a 2014 white Ford Explorer, which was driven by an older gentleman. He was an elderly man most likely driving for Uber to make some extra cash aside from his retirement.

"Where to?" the man asked politely.

Damian could barely bring himself to speak, "take me to the nearest hospital."

"Not feeling too well?" the man inquired, driving off onto the road.

"N-no," Damian groggled.

"Well if you need some water, there's some behind my seat. Help yourself."

Damian nodded but refused the offer. He couldn't bring himself to down any liquids.

Damian started to feel a horrible throbbing pain in his stomach. His body temperature increased at an alarming rate and he felt as though he was going to vomit. He looked at the driver and then at the floor of the car before vomiting in front of his seat. The man cringed when he heard his passenger vomit all over his clean floors.

"Kid, are you alright?" the man asked, but Damian vomited again. The young man couldn't help but feel violently ill. He had no idea what was happening to him. He's had an upset stomach but nothing like this. Even the stomach flu wasn't this bad.

Damian suddenly started to feel a change near his abdomen. He saw a black slimy substance starting to spread from his stomach to his feet and hands. He doubled over in pain as that's all he could feel. He started to groan loudly as the alien substance engulfed his whole body.

The elderly driver looked in his rearview mirror and saw that the young man who was sitting in his passenger seat was no longer there. Rather it was a large and grotesque creature with large, sharp fangs and white eyes and long, venomous tongue.

"What the hell... ahh!"

The driver was grabbed by the neck and pulled against his seat, breaking his neck. The man watched in horror as this alien creature sunk it's claws into his chest and abdomen, tearing him apart like a wrapped present. His blood was spilled across the windshield and passenger windows, making drivers nearby concerned and terrified. The car drove out of control and crashed into a nearby car and then lamp post.

The creature blew the passenger door of the car and crawled out of it, feeling no remorse for the man it just brutally murdered. Damian, who now took the form of a terrifying alien organism, jumped onto a nearby building, looking around for its next victim.

The creature would have killed five more people that night.

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