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hi, so this is JUST THE PROLOGUE. the first chapter is going to probably start from the middle of the first day. this is extremely short, my usual chapters will be around 4-8000 words, so be prepared for some long reads. i hope you enjoy this!! kisses <3

 i hope you enjoy this!! kisses <3

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It was the first day of the new school year, and I was practically begging on my knees to go back to bed. I was exhausted--what with the train ride here, the unpacking, the absolutely exhausting reunification period that took almost the entire night--it all had me falling asleep as I stood in front of my mirror, staring down at myself. It was hard to keep my eyes open, my face looked pale--as it always had--except today I just looked different. More tired, more exhausted--less energetic, less beautiful.

"Come on, Calantha," Kassandra appeared behind me, resting her chin on my shoulder as she offered me up a small, reassuring smile. I could tell she felt bad for me--she always felt bad for me. Everytime she caught me staring at my unwanted body in the mirror. All she ever did was try and make me feel good, better; while it never worked, I appreciated her for trying. She was my best friend, and she was beautiful; in a way, you could say she was the one thing that I'd always needed and was there.

"You have to stop overthinking everything, you look beautiful." she kissed my cheek, turning back toward her bed, sitting down on the dark green satin sheets. As Sixth years, we got our own rooms--two beds per dorm, two girls per dorm--and it was nice; finally being on our own for once. It gave us a space to talk freely without having to worry about someone listening around the corner, no Professors or Students were allowed in anyone else's dorms without permission first, so I didn't have to worry about anyone coming in and snooping around.

"I'm tired. Do I look tired to you?" I brought my fingers up to my face, tracing the dark spots under my eyes with the pads of my fingers, tilting my head sideways as I began to concentrate on the small freckles trailing down my nose. I turned to her, waiting for her reply, and as I did so, I walked to my bed, throwing myself onto it.

"You look amazing, as you always do." she rolled her eyes, shaking her head and standing up from her bed. "Come on," she nodded to the door, toying with a small silver bracelet on her wrist. "We need to make it to the Great Hall before classes, I'm hungry and I want to see Niccolò."

I sighed, sitting up and placing my hands behind my back to support myself. I looked at myself in the mirror again, my eyes trailing down from my white blouse to my small black skirt. I swung my feet over the bed, grasping my bag in my hands and securing it over my shoulder as I walked behind Kassandra, my hands flat on her back.

"Let's go, then." I whispered, running my fingers through my messy brown hair. I hadn't bothered to brush it, I never really did--I liked my bed hair, the visionary of my getting right out of bed, my loose, wavy curls falling past my shoulders. It was the one thing I didn't wish to change about myself—the one thing that I had of my Mother.


like i said, it was short, but i had to start somewhere. the next update (chapter 1) will be either tomorrow the next day. i don't want to rush this story, but i'm also very intrigued, meaning i will be spending a lot of time on it. so don't fret—there WILL be many updates soon.

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