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F I F T Y  F O U R


I'VE ALWAYS loved water. There was something so juvenile about it. The feeling of rain crawling down my cheeks, scoping the bones of my face, hugging my eyes and breaking the barrier between skin and air. The weight of my clothes against my skin felt like being hugged by heavy hands, ones that would never let me fall. The feeling of my hair matted against the sides of my face made me conscious of being in my own skin. In truth, the weight of water made me feel real.


My hands slid up the walls of the shower and I bowed my head, feeling the trickle of lonely droplets creep down my neck, falling into oblivion as they swam through my hair, and caressed my lips. I kept my eyes shut, drowning in the feeling of falling as I lowered myself onto the ground, slowly, as if diving off of a cliff. Beneath my eyelids, everything was dark, and I was falling down an eternal rabbithole, waiting for wonderland.


To be honest, at first I was ignoring Kassandra's knocking from the other side of the locked door, but the further I fell down my rabbithole, the less I started ignoring and the more I began to not even hear her. I could hear the door shaking, just through a small hole in the back of my head, barely audible, but it echoed.

When I opened my eyes again I was no longer sitting under the water of my shower, but laying in a bed of flowers, feeling fresh water pour onto my body. This rain was real, not something artificial from a pipe through a wall, but this rain fell freely from the sky.

I could stay here for hours, forever, even. Feeling the softness of the petals as my fingers grazed gently around me, over shades of love and various sadness, inhaling the scent of each of them. I was real right now, in every way a person could be. I felt as though my mind, body, and soul were all at an equilibrium, and pure euphoria was the only thing I could feel.

Lana had been right with her words; these pills fixed everything.

The rain stopped falling and warm hands hugged me, and I was floating up, up, and up. Light grew beneath my eyes and my face grew warm, but my body still felt very heavy.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now