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F I F T Y  O N E


A SMALL part of my heart wilted, and fell like leaves down my chest. He has asked me to kill you.

He has asked me to kill you.

He has asked me to kill you.

"Theo, did you hear me?" Daìnn stepped forward once, slamming into my train of thought.

Nodding my head, my eyes met with his. "Yes." my answer was solemn.

He looked around his classroom, folding his hands, and sat down.

"What did you do to provoke him." Daìnn asked me, quietly, as though he were accusing me. In a way, I guess he was.

I let out a pathetic laugh, shrugging. "Nothing that I don't usually do. I assume he's just getting bored." another shrug, and I was pulling a cigarette from out of my pocket and lighting it.

"I don't think you understand how serious this is, Mattheo, this could be detrimental, and you don't seem very concerned."

My nose tingled as the smoke I inhaled exhaled with my breathing. I shrugged again. "You understand more than any of us how many times he threatens the three of us with death. Epiphany was only five when he..." I took another drag from the cigarette. Our eyes connected, and he understood. "His petty threats mean nothing to me anymore. They shouldn't mean anything to you, either. Why are you even telling me this?"

He laid his head on the desk and folded his arms. He was stressed, and terribly overworked. "Because he's given me a timeframe. This time, he's serious."

"What makes this time any different from the others?"

"I made a vow, Mattheo." he mumbled, ashamed. "He forced me to."

Well, this did change things.

I shrugged my shoulders again, feeling like at this point it was the only proper way for me to respond. "How long do I have."

Daìnn caressed his own face, his eyes locked on the tattered floors, and quivered as his lips turned to speak. "He's given me until the next full moon."

A breath of release. "Good. Than that's, what, a month and a half? We can figure something out by—"

"Twenty days." he mumbled, interrupting me. I stopped talking and played with the cigarette between my fingers, watching as he pressed himself up from his desk.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now