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"DEATH Eaters?" I repeated him, my voice completely unsteady. When the words first left his mouth I felt like I was standing on the edge of an extremely tall cliff, and when he said the words for the second time, it felt like someone had pushed me off. Now, I was just falling. The breath that was expanding my overly-exposed lungs felt trapped in my own throat, like the air I was trying to breathe was only weighing me down more and more. Everything around me was spinning, nothing even seemed to make sense. Not me being with Mattheo in Hogsmeade. Not there being Death Eaters at Hogwarts.

I looked around the room, first at the boarded up windows and then to the door directly behind Mattheo. He caught my eye and realized I wasn't looking at him, but behind him, and with it his eyes followed. Everything was in a haze, it all happened so fast, it took me moments to process what was going on.

"Calantha, no," he ushered toward the door as I ran beside him, slamming his hands flat against the rough wood surface, preventing me from escaping. Was this his plan along? To somehow get me away from the castle to. . .I didn't even know why I was here.

"Mattheo, let me go," I struggled with him, my voice straining as I yelled over his shoulder. He was pressing his entire weight against the door, and I was pushing against him, using all of my strength to push him away from the door. He was too strong, and I knew that, but I needed the solitude of having known I tried to fight. My mother would've liked that.

"Calantha, stop it," he breathed out through gritted teeth, flailing his arms in and out
between our two bodies. We were both cold, even the air between us, around us, was freezing. Everything was bone-chilling in this very moment, and for whatever reason, it was all because of my being here, alone, with him. Why had he brought me here?

His hands wrapped around my wrists and he tugged me forward, making me jolt into his chest. When the rough patches of what I recognized to be his arms wrapped around my thin frame I settled, letting myself fall into his hold. Though I still shook my body, only I had no guaranteed strength left to muster, and even if I did, I was already weak, there was no possible way for me to fight against him and win.

"Mattheo, I won't tell anyone, I won't, but let me go, please," I begged him, small whisperings and whimpers leaving my dry lips. My chin rested against his shoulder, and still, with my arms at my sides, I tried to wriggle out from his grip.

"Would you just sit the fuck down and let me explain everything to you?" he yelled, still restraining me against his chest. I stopped shaking then, and looked up at him, frowning, almost looking at him in disgust. Then I did it, I forced myself back from him, pushing my palms flat against his chest and using all of my weight and adrenaline to throw myself out of his arms. I think that, that was the only small bit of strength I had left.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now