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EVERYONE was gathered in the Great Hall to listen to another one of Dumbledore's speeches. The entire room was silent, and the night sky showed in through the tall, glass windows, replicating the delicate patterns of the uniquely made windows upon the walls.

The house banners hung directly above the long rows of tables, waving with the help of magic enchantments. But even in the silence, I could hear the pain in everyone's breathing. It didn't matter that the half of the school that didn't like Pansy didn't know her, nor that a student was found dead on the grounds, because people were too busy weaving in fear for themselves. The message left carved on her stomach, to be rumoured, was a sign of Voldemort's return.

"I expect you all to be in your dormitories at seven o'clock from then forth." he clasped his hands together as he finished off his speech. There were new rules for everyone--to keep the students and staff safe. New curfew, no leaving the grounds, all Hogsmeade trips cancelled, buddy systems, and then on. It didn't upset me, much less bother me, because I wasn't planning on leaving my dorm much.

"You can all see to your rooms then," Professor McGonagall stood from her tall chair, bowing her head forward as she held her wand out in front of her to open the doors. All at once, everyone turned around, and the room quickly erupted into small whisperings that were inaudible to everyone except those who were being directly spoken to. Word was going around that Pansy's death was a supposed planned suicide, a warning to others of what would happen if you crossed Voldemort. There was no denying the fact that everyone knew her family was in with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But the ringing around that it was a suicide? I didn't believe it.

"What're you thinking about?" Kassandra nudged my arm from beside me. For the past few days she'd been trying to make sure she knew how I was feeling, checking up on me and asking me if I was okay. I wasn't, but I couldn't let her worry. "Just plans for tonight," I nodded my head, staring at the back of the girl walking in front of me. We were almost at the doors, with people surrounding us on all sides, eager to push their way through the crowd. Everyone seemed to be in such a rush. For brief moments I found myself taking in the entire setting around me, soaking up the images of my classmates in putrid fear, afraid of turning corners.

"Plans for tonight?" Kassandra repeated me in a questioning tone. I sighed and shook my head, flashing her a reassuring smile. "Just studying, stuff like that."

She nodded her head and formed her lips into an "O" like shape. "Well, I'm spending the night with Niccolò in his dorm."

I frowned. "Is Mattheo aware?"

"Very. 'Told him he could spend a bit more time with you." she smiled, biting onto her bottom lip as she watched my mouth drop open. I slapped her on the arm and she quickly made a pouty face. "It's only for a few nights! Merlin, you have quite the hand," she rubbed the spot on her arm that I slapped, observing it with her mouth open.

"A few nights!" my tone turned from irritation to shock and I laughed in disbelief. "You had no place to-"

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now