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IT took me minutes before I was even able to move. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her legs and tried to pull her down. But I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough. Why was I never strong enough.

The rope was too strong and she was too high in the air for me to even keep a hold of her. Around me, the world was falling, everything was in slow motion, and my only regret was not getting here in time, though I didn't even know what was happening, I still felt like it was my fault.

I started screaming, crying out for help, retching my voice until it felt like I couldn't even scream anymore, and soon enough, green robes piled into the room.

"What the fuck," small murmurs sounded in the room, and as more people drew into the bathroom, screams became more prominent, attracting the attention of others. People stared in awe at me as I continued to struggle and helplessly stammer to pull a limp Pansy down from the panels on the ceiling. The horrified faces of confused students staggered around me to get a better look at Pansy. Whispers and horrifying gasps filled my ears, but I didn't care, because I just needed to get her down. If I couldn't get her down, then she would be gone, Draco would be. . .I can't even begin to think about what would happen to Draco.

"Somebody help me get her down," I cried, still holding onto her legs, trying to pull her down, looking around the room as people stared at me before fearfully looking up to her lifeless body. "God dammit," I yelled in frustration, glancing all around the room, sharing hopeless momentos to others as if my life depended on it. No one did anything. Not one person so much as moved. "Somebody help me!" I started to scream, louder, hoping for more people to hear me.

Kassandra burst through the door and stopped dead in her tracks. Niccolò and Erised followed close behind her, their eyes shifting up to Pansy and then down at me. Niccolò's face dropped and he turned around, resting his arms against the wall. Erised stared at me with horror-filled eyes. I shook my head, crying.

"Kassandra, help me," I sobbed, still pulling down on Pansy. It took her a few moments to register what was going on before she pulled out her wand and mumbled small nothings under her breath, pointing the tip at Pansy before a streak of light blew threw and cut the rope, making all of Pansy's weight fall into my arms as I dropped to the ground, breaking our fall.

I hurried to sit up and hold her head in my hands as I rocked her back and forth, shaking my head at Kassandra. "I can help her," I looked down at her and moved the small wisps of black hair out of her face. "I can help her, I can bring her back, where is my wand," I looked around, waiting for someone to move, but no one did. Everyone stared at me as if they were too sad to even say anything, tears drew down several familiar faces and people exchanged alike glances. They didn't think I could help her, I could just tell by the looks on their faces.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now