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T W E N T Y  S E V E N

"BLOODY hell, Calantha," Draco said as I sat down at the table in the Great Hall. Kassandra and Niccolò stopped talking about whatever it was that was occupying them, and turned to stare at me, Niccolò with soft eyes and Kassandra with a threshold of anger.

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders as I sat down beside Mattheo, trying to read the room. Beside me, Mattheo scrunched up his nose and clenched his jaw, averting his eyes to some other part of the room, clearly annoyed with my being there. To be honest, however, I didn't care less about how he felt nor that my presence bothered him, because if anything, it was his problem and not mine.

"What?" My tone was playful as I faced Draco.

He stared back at me, rolling his eyes. "What do you mean, what? You decide not to show up to meals every day for almost a week, and then you come prancing in here as if nothing is wrong?"

I shrugged again. "Nothing is wrong, Draco," I grimaced, frowning as I observed his awe-struck face, then looked around at Niccolò and Erised. Even Epiphany wouldn't look my way. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Just because I'm not clawing at your feet and I'm finally starting to act like myself, you treat me like I'm not even here?"

Kassandra rolled her eyes, dropping her fork on her plate as she frowned. "Merlin, would you stop victimizing yourself, Calantha?" she played with a ring on her finger, chewing on her food.

"I wouldn't say she's victimizing herself," Erised laughed, shaking his head at Kassandra.

"I'm not victimizing myself, Kassandra. You're only used to me being the quiet one, you're used to having to tell me I'm okay and for me being able to give you a purpose. I don't need you to do that anymore, because I don't need you. I'm fine without you, and you're pissed off about it."

"Listen to yourself!" she looked around the table, baffled. "You're so full of yourself you can't even realize it."

"I'm sorry, do you want me to ask if you're okay?" I nodded my head, sympathetically. "Are you okay, Kassandra?"

"Merlin, would you two just shut the hell up, please?" Mattheo mumbled.

She threw her napkin onto the table and stood up, pressing her hands on the table. "I'm done with you," she nodded, laughing under her breath. Her behavior was childish, and I couldn't help but laugh under my hand as I stared at her.

Suddenly, without thinking, I stood up, leaning close to her with my hands on the table, just as she had done. "I think we should talk." I nodded, staring into her eyes. "Don't you think we should, Kassandra?" I smiled, nodding my head again.

Of course I didn't want to talk, but I knew something like this would piss her off.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." she mumbled, slowly sitting back down, regathering herself.

"I think you misunderstood me,"

"Calantha, don't," Mattheo grabbed my arm and pulled me back down onto the seat.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER | MATTHEO RIDDLE Where stories live. Discover now