Episode 2: Matriculation

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The view of the morning sky, even in outer space is beautiful. The sun, just off screen, is present and its light illuminates the sky and bounces off of the side of the craft at an angle just right.


The members of each respective team can be seen preparing for the day. All except ISYS, KREED, and LUXE, who are already awake and dressed. ISSA is getting dressed while looking up at a broadcast playing in her room.

KREED and LUXE are together at the table just off from the kitchen. A 3-D blueprint of a building hangs in the air and rotates.

ISYS walks out of her hallway with her device in her hand and heads toward the kitchen.

When she sees the 3-D image, her expression changes, but we don't know if it's fear, anger, or shock. She turns and walks toward the tables. All thoughts of breakfast forgotten.


Her room is less put together than ISYS'. Not as military and straight edge, but neat. Everything has a place, but it is still uniquely her. Holopictures of ISYS and ISSA decorate the room. Oddly missing, are any pictures of their parents. Awards and certificates are displayed on her desk as well as other tech devices.

ISSA zips up her jacket, but doesn't smooth it out. She is content with the wrinkles. She shakes her hair and runs her fingers through her locs. RULES are a second thought to her.

She looks up at the broadcast where the anchor is announcing the Blue Stars newest competition/case and how this will change the game forever. When LUXE appears on the screen giving an interview, ISSA calls out to her AI.

SADAY! End Broadcast! Open door!

Broadcast ended.

The door opens with a hiss

ISSA walks out after snapping her utility belt around her waist and gathering her devices from her desk.


ISSA is powering her device on when JAMESON comes out of his room. This is the first time we see the other members of the team and their living quarters.

Good morning.

We'll see after this meeting.

As they walk down the hall, the other members of the team come out of their rooms and join them as they walk toward the front of the craft.



At the table, both teams are gathered around the table while KREED and LUXE go back and forth pointing out different structures of JOREN.

ISSA and ISYS are attentive, but only just.

When the team breaks, LUXE calls out for ISYS to stay behind.

ISSA gives ISYS a curious rise of her eyebrow, but ISYS shrugs.

The rest of both teams continue on about their day preparing for their day at JOREN.

Once they are alone, LUXE sighs.

Can you offer any insight to what we may be walking into once we get there?

[continues to scroll through her device and tap the screen as she talks to LUXE]
I don't know what you mean, Sir.


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