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~Return to Jotunheim~

~Return to Jotunheim~

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The little black and blue cloud that indicated travel by Tesseract appeared on the edge of a familiar cliff. Out from it stepped Olivia and Loki, the former dressed in clothes meant for chillier weather.

"It feels like ages since we were here. Going with Thor, then negotiating..." Olivia said, watching her breath materialize in front of her in a small cloud. Even in her warmer clothes, she was shivering slightly. "Gods, I hate this place. Not you, but... Just the environment."

"You're not really supposed to like it. You're not genetically suited for the cold." Loki said.

"That's something about you I envy. It's what makes you interesting. Unique. I don't care what we were taught when we were young, it doesn't make you disgusting or a monster. It makes you... Beautiful. Different."

Loki attempted to hide the red that gently crept up his face as they kept walking. Once they reached a small clearing, they stopped and looked around.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A male voice boomed, causing the pair to jump in surprise.

"I am Loki of-" Loki started to say.

"Ah, Loki, Asgard's wayward prince. You've created quite a name for yourself. You and your little wife." The same voice replied.

"Then you must know why we are here."

"For conquest, I'd assume. But we are not so easily taken. There are many of us, and only two of you."

"Not as much conquest as claiming our dues." Olivia cut in. The voice laughed.

"Your dues? What ties do you have here? I see two Asgardian runts with a lust for power and without their army." The pair finally noticed the large figure towering above them just a ways away. There were other Giants that started to surround them. Swallowing his doubt, Loki took a step forward. He allowed his Asgardian form to melt away to reveal his true form to the Giants around them. They seemed to slightly recoil in shock.

"I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, Son of Laufey, and the Lost Prince and Rightful King of Jotunheim. My wife and I seek to bargain with you." Loki said. The apparent leader of the Giants around them seemed to almost soften.

"Your father's been dead for two decades, boy. What prompted you to seek your claim back if someone else may have taken the throne?" He asked.

"Who?" Olivia asked back. "Who took the throne?"

"I did. Laufey was my cousin and I was his next of kin; no one had known he had a son. My name is Hrothgar. I suppose that would make me your first cousin, once removed. Now answer my question: what made you want your claim back?" Hrothgar asked.

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