Wendy Dreamland Part 2

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Chapter 33

"Have you eaten?" I know that it is a very strange question because I am sure that souls like them do not eat. Still, I asked that out of a lot of thought.

I was no longer surprised by Alyssa's sudden laughter. "I do not eat Guardian of Soul. I do not feel hungry. " I just nodded at his answer before sighing.

There is a way for me to know the purpose of being the guardian of the soul. I am sure it will take me to the truth. Truth be told, I already know.

"How long have you been wandering around, Alyssa?" I do not know how, but when I asked her that, she suddenly seemed to illumine, literally. Allyssa did not notice that because the child was busy jumping again on the bed.

So, this is the effect of my simple questioning of souls like her.

"It's been almost two months," she replied. "I really want to go back, but I don't know how to come back. I miss my mother—" When he noticed her glow, she paused. "G-Guardian of Soul." She seemed to be sobbing when she turned to me. I smiled at her.

"I don't even know how I can help you, but I will try my best, Alyssa." When I let go of that word, a sudden breeze blew from the open window. The lampshade light on my side turned off for a moment, and the room temperature changed.

The little girl shone brighter, and that's when her true appearance shone on me. She was pale and had a crack on her head. It was bleeding, and her lips were really colourless.

I would have been horrified if I saw this a while ago, but it is different now. Especially when I saw Alyssa's tears fall, that caused me to pull her closer and hug the little girl.

"What happened to you?" With that simple question of mine, the child shone even brighter. For some unexplained reason, the whole room was cluttered. They seem to be moving with the energy the child has. Something I was very anxious about, however, was ignored.

"That night, Mom and I just came home from selling food. That's all we do for a living. But my mom's luggage fell off, and it rolled on the road. I wanted to pick it up. " She stated, "Then there's a car."

Allyssa was already crying at that point. I felt so sorry for her after hearing what happened.

"I miss Mom. I want to go back. It's just that I can't leave Madam Matilda. But now, I don't know how to go home." I could do nothing but rub Alyssa's back to somehow lighten her mood.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. Ate Mary will help you. " I said.

It was just two weeks ago. Maybe the child is still alive and just comatose in some hospital. But where? Where is her body?

I waited for Alyssa to calm down before I asked. It didn't take long, because when I noticed that things in the room had stopped moving, I made sure she was calm.

"Alyssa, do you know you're still alive?" I'm not sure about the question, but I still asked.

"Yes, sometimes I can get back to my body, but I can't last long, Guardian of the Soul." I was relieved to hear about it.

"Then do you know where we can see your body?" It was there that the child looked up at me. Tears welled up in her eyes, but hope traced in.

"At St. Luke's Hospital in Manila."

Unbeknownst to everyone in Wendy's dream, she is just a normal child who can make friends and get along with her fellow youth. She was not rich, she was not well known, and her family was not whole, but he was happy.

I M _ V E N A 

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