Lack of Manners

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"Interesting. "

The older Jedi was the first to speak. He wore a light brown-ish colored outfit, was maybe in his thirties and had auburn hair and a beard in the same color. His hand rested on former. With his blue eyes he followed every movement of us. "Ahm thanks. Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Naz asked.

"Your... ahh... female... ah, Rex?" the younger Jedi just stuttered and looked at the clone with the blue markings. He stared in total disbelief at us and blinked rapidly as if he couldn't believe his eyes. "Hell yeah, last time I checked at least." was Karas brilliant response. To accompany her response she pulled her clothes and armor back and took a look where her breasts were. "Kara, manners!" I quickly hissed back at her. She hated being reduced to just having a x-chromosome more than our brothers. All of us did. "What? He started it." was her response. I rolled my eyes. She wouldn't care whatever I told her. She always was the hot temperated one from all of us, that's why we called her Kara. Her name means the wild, stormy one because she would defend herself and especially us from anything or anybody. When someone insulted us she lost all respect even if it was a general. Like right now.

"Don't mind her, she just hit her head pretty bad a few times when she was younger and since then she is the crazy one." Euphoria replied. "If you want my fist in your face than just ask Euphoria, I'd be happy to help you." Kara said looking innocently. " Ha, if you have any chance against me." "Wanna bet?" She held her hand out to Euphoria. Naz looked between the two and didn't even try to break them off. She wouldn't be of any use. Probably enjoyed it too.

Euphoria took her hand and she couldn't even react in time when she already laid on the ground. "Hey that was not fair. I wasn't ready for that." she complains and stands up. Kara and Euphoria get into a fighting stance. I roll my eyes again and quickly grab Kara swirl her around and push her behind me. Euphorias fist which was aimed previously towards Karas face comes crashing into my face, but before she can hit me I duck. I grab her wrist and twist and turn it. Her arm was now on her back.

"That's enough. Stop the bickering." I let go of her. Kara starts to say something but I interrupt her quickly. "You, too." I hear Naz mutter something under her breath. I glare at her. She stumbles back and raises her hands in surrender.

" And who are you supposed to be?" The clone in the orange markings steps forward. I turn. He is tall and intimidating. A scar decorates is left side of his face. It wasn't the first time someone tried to intimidate me. In fact Bric and I always had a stare down almost every time we saw each other. But he wasn't Bric. He was a commander, who had fought in countless battles. Had faced various enemies and even death many times. But I wouldn't give up that easily. He had to try hard to break me. "We were sent by Master Ti. She supervised our training and told us that we now stand under the command of general Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex of the 501st." Naz replied. "Is there a problem, Sir?" I stated and raised my chin. He smiled at me and came a little closer. I didn't back down. His hazel eyes stared into my green ones. We weren't just female, we were significantly shorter than our brothers, still taller than average but at least ten centimeters shorter. All of us had the black hair every clone had, but each and every one of us had different eye colors beside of Naz. Mine were green, Karas and Euphorias were blue and Naz had the same hazel brown eyes the other clones had and in which I currently stared. This mutation of ours made us more unique and more hated by the Kaminoans.

The commander raised an eyebrow. "I like this one!" he stated and turned away. "So you are female clones." The younger Jedi said. "We are soldiers!" Kara hissed back sounding a little pissed. In the corners of my eye I could see her clenching her hands to fists. "Calm down Kara that was just a statement, not an attack." I said to ease the tension between the Jedi and her.
"Very interesting!" The other Jedi stated. "You already said that, Sir. What does that mean? What does Master Ti always says... Oh yeah.... Elaborate!" Naz said boldly now. "I don't like your attitude, rookie!" The commander said and stared Naz down. She quickly moved behind me and I just rolled my eyes.

"It's fine, Cody. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm the general of the 212th, this is commander Cody. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings but we had no idea. I'm sure if I speak for all of us and bid our welcome! " General Kenobi had his hand laying on his commanders shoulder. A genuine smile laid on his lips and I couldn't help but give it back. "Yeah right, ahh.. I'm Anakin Skywalker your general, and this is my padawan and commander Ahsoka Tano and my first in command Captain Rex. " the other Jedi introduced himself and the captain still looked very confused. The togrutan padawan raised her hand and smiled at us. I knew we would have no troubles with this one. She seemed genuine, kind and sweet.

"It's a pleasure to meet you generals, commanders and captain." Naz slowly said feeling a little awkward. Kara and Euphoria mumbled something that sounded like a hello and I just nodded. "So you're soldiers?" Skywalker said still not convinced. "Yeah! Now you got it!" Kara exclaimed. "Kara!" I growled and punched her on the arm. "Ow! Was it something I said?" She cried out. "Stop being such a baby."Euphoria exclaimed. Kara growled and rubbed her arm. She didn't like how the day had unfolded but said nothing. Finally.

"We must go now... ahh.. Jedi business. Rex will give you a heads up." General Skywalker stuttered. We saluted towards the Jedi. Commander Tano raised her hand again and winked at us reassuringly. Oh yeah she's gonna be alright. The rest nodded and left. Rex still hadn't said any word but raised his voice now. "Yeah right, ahm Hardcase where are you?" "Right here, Sir." The named clone replied. He came rushing from the back of the little circle of clones that had formed around us.

He came to a halt beside the commander and captain and looked a little surprised when he saw us.  He rubbed his eyes before he exclaimed. "What the..." but before he could finish his sentence, Kara interrupted him. "Watch what you are going to say next because I'm not in a good mood!" "Kara..." Naz growled. " Hey you ate my candy. I'm done with you!" Before another fight could erupt the Captain interrupts Kara and Naz. "That is enough. Hardcase, you will show them were they can sleep and everything else. Breakfast is at 0600. Tomorrow I wanna see you four at 0700 in the training room. There you'll train like the rest of us and we will see if your soldiers or not. Understood?" His complete body language had tensed up. Kara opened her mouth to say something and even Euphoria who was awfully quiet these past minutes, started to say something. I quickly shut them up by saluting. "Of course, Sir!" Euphoria, Kara and Naz followed my example. Cody and Rex nodded and the former yelled. "Back to work. And someone get this wreck out of my hangar. Cody remind me to never let them fly again. Ever! Looks to me like Harcase 2.0. " At the comment the commander chuckled. "Hey..." Hardcase exclaimed but was quickly shut down by Rexs glare. They turned away and left us alone with the trooper before us. The rest of the crowd slowly began to turn towards their work but still shot glares at us. Some would even whisper to their fellow brothers when they thought we wouldn't notice. Such gossip girls ... urgh.

"Hey I'm Hardcase!" Hardcase interrupts my thought. "We know....laserbrain!" Of course it was Kara. The girl had no manners. "So you like candy....?" He asks Naz.

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