Truth Enlightens

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Hunter shook his head. His senses were overloaded with all kinds of sensations but he held onto this special sensation he felt as he stood in the middle of the small restaurant. "Slow Gizath. I need you to slow down." Cody tried to calm the woman before him while Hunter did his job.

"No, you listen to me now, boy. That woman is a shadow of herself and I don't understand what happened to you two but you leave me no choice." And with that she kicked him against his leg. "Ouch, what was that for?" The old woman turned to Hunter and walked over to him. "You are looking for her then you can't expect me to help you."

"That won't be necessary. Her scent is covered with something else but I got her." Hunter said and she huffed and rushed past him. "If my Koror was still here he would kick you out." She hissed and Crosshair huffed. "Lucky us!" Gizath turned to Cody around and her fury hits breaking point. "Get them out of here and don't come back until you haven't come to your senses." Cody sighed and nodded towards the door the others left and he looked back at the old woman.

"Keeping secrets from her won't help you to heal. And it will break her." Gizath said and Cody sighed again. "I made a decision." Gizath shook her head and brushed over the golden ring on her finger. He had never seen her without it.

"You can unmade decisions too." Cody sighed and placed his helmet on his head. "This one I can't." He left and Gizath shook his head. He was stubborn. She had known that for so long but right know she could slap that boy till he would come to his senses.

Gizath sighed and took her purse. She had to go as well. The appointment was on her mind for a long time and there was nothing she could do right now. As she walked through the city she thought about the way Cody had broken down in her restaurant telling her that Leal had died. He had been so hurt and sad and she had never seen him like that but Leal coming back should have been a joyous occasion.

She greeted the secretary once she walked into the clinic. "One moment please." She said and Gizath waited. It was nice being blind sometimes. It makes you focus on anything else. Gizath wasn't always blind. But with the age her sight became worse and when she was fully blind she adapted quickly. And she liked putting her other senses even forward. She liked hearing just the voice without seeing the person behind it. Koror would be proud of her. And she counted the days until she would reunite with him.

It had been a good life. Long but good and she was ready to go. Cody would eventually understand that she had never told him. She just hoped that he wouldn't give up on what they had.

"The doctor is ready now for your treatment. Please follow me."


Cody walked behind the bad batch trying his best to sort through his mind. Thoughts rushed in and out of his head and he didn't realise that the whole group had stopped. Just as Hunter reached out and pulled Cody back he snapped out of his thoughts. They had reached the lower levels and Cody stared at the glimmer light of a sign illuminating the dawn of day.

Z's bar was a big problem and he couldn't understand what she did there. That wasn't a place for his girl. Everywhere were the crooks of the whole planet and galaxy. Bounty hunters wherever you looked. "I'm going in!" He growled but Wrecker grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. "Let me down!" He screeched but Hunter shook his head. "We need to come back, Sir. They will not tell us anything looking like that. We have to be smart about it."

Cody sighed and nodded but his focus changed as he saw a familiar figure come out of the bar. Leal stood there and he could feel the prickle in his fingers as he couldn't reach out to her. She was even paler than before. The bags underneath her eyes were of a dark blue and she looked tired. She hadn't slept peacefully in a long time. Moreover he could see marks gracing her neck and he pushed away Wreckers hands and wanted to storm over to punish whatever bastard did that to her. But this time Wrecker grabbed him and raise him up from his feet.

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