Love and Friendship

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"Rex? What are you doing here?" Naz exclaimed as she had walked through the facility. Her focus shifted from her surroundings to the men of the 501st and 104th who dragged themselves through the hallways.

"Naz? I could ask the same!" Rex squared his shoulders and narrowed his eyes on the youngest,  who ran over to her battalion. Gone were the sleepless nights of worry and weariness as soon as the little bundle of joy fell into his arms. "I brought her with me." Leal, who had followed her sister in a certain distance and who stood next to Blitz waved to the speechless Captain of the 501st and Commander of the 104th. "Kriff me, Leal?" Jesse exclaimed and nudged Fives next to him. "You see her too, don't ya?" Fives could just stare as could the rest and Naz began to giggle before nudging Rex.

"They relieved her off of all her accusations. She is free!" Rex didn't know how to react as he saw the woman stand before him. He had last seen her when Fox's men had dragged her out of his barracks. She had changed a lot since then. She had gotten thinner and she had lost the spark in her eyes but she smiled the same and over all she seemed more grown up.

He got over to her and raised his hand for her to take. "Glad to have you back, Leal." After Kix had told him about Leal's pregnancy he had immediately told Cody but he couldn't tell if she knew. Cody had urged him to tell nobody and Kix and him would take it to their graves if necessary. "It's commander now!" Blitz grinned proudly and wrapped an arm around her.

"I guess, you outrank me then!" Rex said and squared his shoulders as if he was talking to a superior but Leal quickly shook her head. "Not in your nor my book. Experience outranks everything and you most definitely outrank me." Rex raised a brow but chuckled and before he knows it Leal had wrapped her arms around him.

"Keep an eye on Cody, will ya?" She whispered and Rex nodded before they parted. "Where is Ahsoka, I wanna tell her everything that has happened!" Naz then asked and everybody tensed upon hearing that remark.

"Naz, there was an incident on Felucia..." Hardcase said and Naz's eyes widen. "Where is she?" She asked now alarmed and Leal scanned the men before her. She noticed the dark shadows underneath everybody's eyes. Rex couldn't even stand straight really as the burden of the previous day took its full affect on him.

"We don't know. She vanished." Fives explains and you could hear Naz gasp and then shake her head. "She wouldn't leave. Someone must have taken her!" She assumed and Leal nodded. "We searched everywhere for her, not a single clue on where she could be. Maybe she left." A trooper exclaimed from the back and no one could make out who said it but neither Leal nor Naz believed that to be true.

"Rex! That's not true, she would never leave us." Naz begged but the Captain shrugged defeated. "I know, but we found nothing. The general made us sweep the area for a whole day." Naz wanted to protest but this time Leal stepped in.

"If she was taken then she will return, like I have. She is smart and strong and stubborn. Ahsoka is nobody, who gives up on a fight. She will make her way home." Naz sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. "I should have gone with her." She whispered but Rex shook his head.

"No! You are not suited..." But he couldn't finish. "Here we go again!" Naz exclaimed and turned to her sister, who watched the display with eagle eyes. "This is what I told you! I'm not weak. I can handle myself! Since Lola Sayu you have become so...urg. I'm not a baby!" Naz exclaimed and rammed her shoulder into his before she stomped away.

Leal watched how Naz turned around a corner before she raised a brow at Naz. "We will go and grab something to eat..." Someone said uncomfortable over the silence and they left, leaving Leal with just Blitz, Rex, and Cody.

"Lola Sayu was a suicide mission. I'm trying to protect her." Rex defends his actions and Leal nodded in agreement. "I know." Rex crossed his arms and continued to explain himself before his brothers and Leal. "She went behind my back and got herself nearly killed." His whole figure was tense as Leal stayed silent.

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