New Discovery

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"It's.." I started..

"Ellen!!" The door burst open by Hanji's kick and rushed to me with a big hug. "I missed you!" She said.

"Uh, okay." I patted her back as I tried to let her go of me. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"She just interrupted, that's what." Levi said annoyance.

"Oh c'mon!" She pouted. "I just can't let Ellen go! She's my favourite cadet after all!"

Eren chuckled while handing me a bowl of hot soup in a tray. "Since when?"

"There's no when," She grinned. "I just know it."

I took a spoonful of the soup and tasted it. It was really delicious and somehow nostalgic.

"Who made this?" I asked with my mouth full. "Petra?"

"Uh, no." Eren smiled at me. "I made it."

"Really? It's delicious!" I exclaimed.

"Don't get choked, Ellen." Levi remarked with a slight smirk.

"Really? What does it taste like?" Hanji asked while sitting beside me on my bed.

"Like," I gulped down the soup. "My mom's.."

"Regarding about that," Levi interrupted. "Answer my previous question."

"Oh my parents' names?" Eren nodded. "Kalura and Grisha Jaeger."

Suddenly, Eren dropped the cup of water he was holding , a whole mess of shattered glass and water scattered on the floor. I was expecting a scolding from Levi or a laugh from Hanji but, they just stared at me as if I had said something wrong. I mentally thanked Hanji as she was the first to react.

"Well apparently, the both of you are.. siblings." I wasn't sure whether she made a fact or a question.

"Why am I not surprised," Levi mumbled.

"You can see it from their facial appearances actually," Hanji stared at Eren, then to me and back to Eren. "Why haven't I noticed it before?"

"Because you're all not observant enough." A new voice joined in as the commander had quietly opened the door and walked in without us noticing. "I thought the both of you would know by now"

Erwin eyed Eren as he just looked down on the mess he made. "Eren? Are you okay?"

He snapped his head up and looked back at Erwin's stare. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine." He replied while finishing up on cleaning his mess, placing the broken glass shards on the tray.

Silence filled the atmosphere as all of us, except Erwin, processed the new information deep in to our brains. But for me, a question had been circulating my mind ever since I was young and it still has been haunting me. Turning towards Eren, who was staring blankly on the tray of broken glass, I asked him that question.

"Why did you leave?"

He looked at me with the same blank expression, but deep in his eyes I could see that he looked guilty.

Guilty of himself.

"I," He started but didn't get to continue as tears were starting to form on his eyes. It was obvious that he was trying to keep it from spilling as he clenched both his jaw and fists tightly, I was worried that his bones couldn't hold on much longer.

"Eren," I reached out for him and pulled on to the hem of his sleeve, snapping him back from his thoughts. "It's okay."

"How can this be okay?!" He suddenly snapped which took us aback. His breathing was a little bit uneasy and a fury guilt was soon burning deeply in his eyes. "Mom and dad, where are they?"

Now, it was my turn to tear up after him. He noticed it as I wasn't even trying to keep it in.

"Mom is dead, Eren, and dad is nowhere to be found." I answered plainly, but deep inside I was hurt emotionally. All those reminising past came flooding back to me as I softly sobbed on my palms. Hanji came by my side and hugged me, patting my back comfortingly.

"How can that be.." I heard Eren whisper but I was too lost in my own thoughts.

My mind replayed my mom's bone crushing death as she gets snapped in two and be eaten by a titan. I cried more as I remembered her calling out for me and Mikasa, telling us to escape and be safe.

I wished I could've just helped her.

But you're too weak. My mind said back.

If I had just more time, I could've lifted up that rubble.

But isn't it Eren's fault that he wasn't there to help?

If he was just there..

It's all his fault that Mom had to die.


I turned my head towards him and looked at him with my blurred eyes due to my tears.

"If you were just there," I spoke softly, which was barely above a whisper but still couldbe heard. "Mom would've been alive today."

Eren turned away and avoided eye contact with me. "I-I'm sorry.."

"Why, Eren?" I sobbed.

"Why did you have to leave?"

Lock and Key [SnK Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now