Beaten up and Convinced

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A/N: I'm changing a bit on the scene where Eren is beaten up by Levi. I don't really wanna go by the anime/manga as it would probably just bore the hell out of you guys. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this early updated chapter!

Third Person's POV

Everyone stayed still until..

"Ack!" Ellen groaned in pain as she received a sudden kick on her side from someone. She hadn't had the time to look back up at the person in front of her when she was stomped forcefully on her back and on her ribs where she might've got a few broken bones here and there. Blood dripped out from the sides of her mouth as she tried to tolerate with the pain, and she soon knew that it was two guys who's beating the shit out of her.

Every once in a while, she'd cough up blood here and there and her breathing was becoming rigid. Her eyesight soon became blurry and she couldn't bear with it anymore. No one made a move in the courtroom as the people watched Ellen silently cry out in pain and agony. No one even dared to speak. She mentally pleaded for this to be over as this went on for another five minutes when, thankfully, Commander Nile stopped them.

"Levi, Eren, isn't that a bit too much? What if she suddenly turns into a titan?" He sounded cautious and worried which made both the Survey Corps man snicker.

"Weren't you the one who suggested to dissect her?" Eren said while he forcefully pulled Ellen's messy hair back. "What if she turns into a titan and went on full rampage? Will you still be able to restrain her kill her?"

Nile was taken aback by Eren's word. He fully knew that what he was saying was true, but admitting that to him and to everyone in the courtroom would just prove that he's weak despite being the Commander of the Military Police.

"Ho, you really haven't planned this through huh?" Levi clicked his tongue and shook his head in amusement. "You really are just a dumb, fucking pig." He muttered while looking down Ellen. Her white uniform were stained with her own blood and she looked like shit, thanks to both him and Eren. 'Disgusting,' He thought and gave his usual 'tch' remark.

"Commander Zackly," Erwin raised a hand up, catching everyone's attention in the courtroom. "I have a request to make."

"What is it?" Darius grunted in response.

"I would like both Eren and Lance Corporal Levi to be fully responsible over Ellen's titan shifting powers. They would help to train her abilities and earn knowledge about her kind, along with the help of Squad Leader Hanji." Erwin monotonously said while Darius inspected him with his intimidating eyes which Erwin did not react to.

"Very well," He sighed and collected the scattered papers on his desk, putting them in a neat pile. "I have made my decision."

And with that, he lifted the gavel which was on the top right side of his desk and ended the discussion with a wham. But as soon as he did it, Ellen closed her eyes as her beaten and weak body gave out and she fell into unconsciousness.


Ellen's POV

"Histy!" I called out for my sisterly friend and she came happily running over towards me.

"What is it, Elle?" She asked with a curious smile etched on her face.

"Look," I showed her a bird with the colours of brilliant blue, along with other varieties of blue, and pure white. Its feathers were smooth as I stroked it gently, careful not to harm or scare it away.

"It's called a Mountain Bluebird." Histy explained as she took over with stroking. It took the bird some time to get used to her gentle fingers without flying away.

"Do you remember the colours of the symbol Wings of Freedom?" I asked her.

"Blue and white," She said. "Just like this bird."

"This could also represent their symbol; a bird has its own wings to fly freely around the clear blue sky. We see them as just mere pests roaming around the streets, but sometimes, having a life like that shows that they have their own freedom, and they don't worry about the carnivorous titans out there in the vast lands."

"I wish," Histy whispered as she lets go of the Bluebird and watched it flap its wings and soar through the sky. "I wish we could be like them..

"Flying with our own wings of freedom."

I opened my eyes and looked out the bedside window, showing the same clear blue sky I had in my dream. I sat up slowly on the bed I was lying on, cringing a little with the sudden pang I felt in my head and chest, but ignored it as I saw a coloured blue and white bird flew in the distance.

I opened the window and a small blast of fresh air came. Breathing in, a blue feather came down floating carelessly in the air. I reached out and caught it immediately with the tip of its feather. It was quite small and nearly the size of my palm.

Bringing it closer to my chest, tears suddenly came from my eyes but I was unaware of it as I remembered all the memories I spent with my long gone sisterly friend.


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