Be Healed or To Be Healed

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"Urghh.." I grumbled and opened my eyes just to be blinded by the early rays of sun. I slowly sat up and rubbed my sleepiness away. Looking around, I noticed that I was in the infirmary and Hanji was on a bed right beside me, snoring softly.

I went over to Hanji's side when I stumbled on my two feet. Looking down, my legs were covered with bandages up till my knee. Blood was evident on some places and it hurts when I stand.

I sat back onto my bed and stared at Hanji's sleeping face. She started to stir a little and fluttered open her eyes. She turned her head towards me while her eyes adjusted to her surroundings without wearing her glasses.

"Ellen?" She squinted, probably seeing me as some blurry figure.

"Yep," I grabbed her glasses on the nightstand between both our beds and reached out to give it to her. She noticed and took it from my hand, wearing it on her face.

"Thanks," She said and helped herself up, but slightly winced in the process. "Are you injured?" she asked and I nodded.

"What happened, Hanji?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Let's just say that you did well but kind of got out of control in the end."

"Okay," I looked down to my lap, somehow feeling guilty of whatever reason we were here in the infirmary. 'I must've hurt her in some way..' I thought.

"But it's quite strange though." Hanji interrupted the silence between us. "Since you're half titan, I always thought that you could regenerate when you're hurt anywhere in both forms, titan and human."

"I don't know really," I said. "It didn't happen to me when I was injured back at the court trial, and also including today. But recalling back, I was told by one of my fellow friends that my limbs grew back after my first transformation at Trost District."

"Hm," She wondered aloud, crossing her arms. "Let's try this, see if you can heal my injuries."

I frowned, confused. "How?"

"I don't know," She shrugged. "Try any kind of method."

"Okay." I went over to her gingerly and sat on the end of her bed. I held her hand and concentrated on healing her. For some reason, I actually felt something spark within me which made me gasp and stop.

"Is something wrong?" Hanji asked, concerned of my being.

"No, no." I quickly shook my head. I closed my eyes and concentrated again. Keeping one goal in mind, the spark that I felt earlier grew and something flowed through my veins which 'transported' into her.

"E-Ellen?" Hanji shook my shoulder lightly with her free hand. I didn't respond to her touch as I was distracted on healing her. My body temperature rose and my breathing was pretty shallow. In a matter of seconds, I stopped, gasping and panting for air as if I had held my breath for so long.

Looking up, I noticed Hanji's eyes widen as she unwrapped the bandage around her stomach area. "Y-you.." She touched her skin all around her torso, not believing what she felt at the tip of her fingers. "My injuries.. You actually healed them."

I was surprised that I could actually heal someone with my newfound power. I weakly smiled and struggled to get up only to be pushed back down by my weight. I was really unstable at that moment that Hanji had to help me get up.

"We should look for the others and tell them about this." She said and carried me all the way down to the mess hall. I practically weigh nothing to her as she had slung me over he shoulders on the way.

Bursting through the wooden doors of the mess hall, Hanji greeted the startled soldiers eating inside.

"Guys!" She went over to the table where everyone sat and placed me beside Petra. "Ellen healed me!"

"Healed you?" Eren asked her, frowning and confused.

"Apparently, she has these powers that could heal injuries. Maybe it's a part of her titan powers since they have the ability to regenerate themselves." She explained. "But for Ellen, it's the total opposite."

"So you mean that she can't regenerate or heal herself but can heal other people?" Gunther said, understanding a bit more on what the scientist had explained.

"Yes," She nodded.

Silence engulfed us for a moment until Eren took his knife utensil and suddenly cut himself on the heel of his palm, but not that deep.

He walked over and kneeled in front of me. "Try me," He held out his bloodied hand and I stared at his palm. I took a deep breath and held on to his hand. Closing my eyes, I repeated the same technic to what I've done previously to Hanji's injury. I felt that spark over again and the flow of my powers through my veins. After passing it into him, I gasped for air, exhausted of my second healing. Eren inspected his palm and wiped off the blood. His reaction was similar to Hanji's too as he stared longingly on his magically healed palm.

"It works," Eren mumbled, but loud enough for everyone to hear him.

I smiled once more before my body gave out for the hundredth time, weak and malnourished. I haven't eaten for the whole day and also the day before today. They haven't really noticed it yet..

I was practically starving myself to death or maybe they're just the ones at fault.

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