The Cell and The Courtoom

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Ellen's POV

My head spun as I tried to sit up slowly from the bed I was placed in. Everything was a blur as I slowly started to open my eyes, adjusting to my surroundings. After a minute or so, all of the pain receded and soon I realized that I was in a cell, both my wrists were chained on to a wall.

"You're finally awake." Said a familiar grumpy voice. I squinted at the person in between the metal bars as he was blocked by it. Luckily though, he stepped forward and I could finally see his features.

It was Levi with Erwin and Eren behind him. "What happened back there at Trost?" He asked, rather demanding.

"Um..?" I stared at him, clearly confused and speechless at the position I am in right now.

"Levi," Eren walked towards him, "I'll handle this."

Levi looked at him for a moment, then backed away and let Eren do the work. "Fine."

"Ellen," Eren knelt down to my level, "you've been unconscious for the past two days after the blockage you did back at Trost, despite being a titan."

His expression turned serious. "Have you ever known that you had this kind of power from the start? What would you do from now on after this?"

I looked at him, my lips formed a straight line. "To be honest, I didn't know I've had this power from the start. But during some times when I became a titan, I remembered vague memories of how I had this ability."

"Ellen.." My Dad whispered as he was preparing some kind of vaccine as tears poured out of his eyes. "I-I'm sorry.."

He grabbed my right wrist and suddenly jabbed the needle right through where my veins were shown. I cried in agony as he slowly injected the vaccine into me.

"T-this contains all information you need to know about Them. Remember, Ellen." He stuttered. "But it will sometimes damage your memories when you do and use this power."

He finally pulled out the needle and I pressed onto my wrist, the pain I felt was unbearable. "Dad.. what did you do..?" I croaked out.

"I'm sorry, Ellen." He suddenly hugged me while stroking my messy untied hair. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this..."

"...Whatever the information is," I clenched my fist tightly, making the chains jingle, after I had explained to them what my Dad did to me. "I'll try and remember what they are in order to help humanity."

"Hm," Eren stood up and grabbed one of the cell bars. "I think, we'll be also taking a part in this."


Hanji and Mike arrived the next day after the three guys explained what will happen yesterday. I will be sent into the courtroom and a judge will choose which branch I will be sent to; the Military Police or the Survey Corps.

A Police then took over Hanji's place and brought me to the center of the room. Attaching me onto a pole, the judge finally came, taking his own sweet time to the podium.

"Okay," He started and took out some papers from a folder. "I am Darius Zackly."

He went on asking me some questions and then to each of the Commanders of the participating branches. When it was Erwin's turn, it was just a short simple sentence that made everyone gossip.

A priest from where the Military Police stood started shouting that I am such a disappointment to humanity and all those shit. I tuned out all of the people who were agreeing along with him. Suddenly, a man threw a pebble directly to my right cheek. Don't ask me how he got a pebble because I don't, but it hurts and I felt warm blood dripping down past my cheek. Damn, that pebble is sharp.

I bowed my head and my fringe instantly hid my eyes and bleeding cheek. The priest and 'pebble man' was eventually sent out of the room due to their annoying voices which kind of pissed Darius off.

Then, Commander Nile of the Military Police read a familiar case about me and Mikasa to the judge. It was when the both of us had killed three men when we were ten. I widened my eyes as I listened to every word he was saying.

"Ellen," Dad bent down to my level, looking straight to my eyes with a stern look. "stay here, okay? I'll be calling for a Military Police to take care of this."

But eventually after he had left, I disobeyed his orders and went to the cottage where Mikasa had been kidnapped to. Going in as quietly as I could, I slowly opened the door that leads inside the cottage hoping that I won't meet the bandits instantly as I was weaponless. Luckily, it was empty and they must've been in another room.

Looking for a weapon I could use, I only found a one bullet loaded gun and a rusty old dagger. Taking in a deep breath, I faked teared and put on my innocent look before entering another room.

"H-hello?" I spoke in a high pitched voice, sounding scared. A man quickly approached me and blocked my view of the room. But it was too late though as I have already seen Mikasa, lying on the cold floor, beaten up and tied on the wrist.

The man in front of me bellowed as he explained that I shouldn't be here. I reasoned out that I was lost and I found this cottage along the way. He changed his tone of voice into a friendly one, forced to be exact. Reassuring me that he'll help to lead me out of the forest, I smirked and held out the dagger I was clutching on tightly behind my back the entire time.

"Thanks, Mister." I changed my tone into a serious one. "Now die, motherfucker." I immediately stabbed him in the heart before he could react. The other man who was in the room rushed to me, screaming bloody murder. But then I was already pointing the gun directly towards his forehead and pulled on the trigger. Blood then splattered out from the opposite side of his head as he collapsed to his death.

Dropping the now useless gun, I walked over to Mikasa and helped her up. Cutting the ropes tied to her wrists, I heard her whisper that there was supposed to be three of them. As if someone had granted this bloody wish, the third man appeared on another room behind us and looked at the two man whom I had just killed. Before I could reach onto the dagger, he had already grabbed my throat, squeezing the life out of me.

I looked at Mikasa, who has now the dagger in her hand, and choked out "Fight!".

"...And when the assigned MPs had arrived, the three men were already killed. It was Ellen and Mikasa who had done it." He finished and I was now looking directly at him.

"Ellen had saved me that day!" Mikasa protested from the other side of them room. "If she hadn't arrived at that moment, I could've been killed by the time the Military Police came! And the purpose of killing them was protecting ourselves!"

Mikasa went on, clutching on to the white scarf I gave her after all the things had happened that day, saying that this has nothing to do with the case. Then it was like everyone in the room suddenly started speaking all at once that it caused me a headache.

"Please, stop!" I demanded. The room fell silent again but now, they were staring at me. "Don't get Mikasa involved in this as she has nothing to do with it!"

Silence overtook the presence of the room. No one made a sound nor move. Everyone just stayed still until..

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