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It's been a month, we barley see Hermione nowadays. She is always with Taylor. I have met Taylor once, also turns out she is in my theater class. She is really nice, it's hard to hate her, but I do. She stole the person I lived away from me, and that is enough to hate her. But enough about her, I have started to get out more. I mostly hang out with Blaise, Pansy, and Draco though. I even got a side job working at a tattoo parlor, I am a really good artist. It isn't a full time job, just on the weekends. It does pay good money. It has also lead me to get even more tattoos. I got a matching one with Blaise

Just something simple, and it has a lot of meaning

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Just something simple, and it has a lot of meaning. It is tradition for us to always pull the wishing bone on Thanksgiving. Pansy comes in to see me, she has also been getting tattoos. But enough of tattoos. Blaise, Draco, Pansy and I are wanting to go on a vacation, we are getting out of university soon for break. Break lasts from November 20, to January 4. It is a pretty long break, so why not use it well. We have saved up enough money too. We want to go to Ireland. Which I am really excited, it isn't set in stone, but I think it would be good to get away. We wouldn't be gone for the full break, just a week or so. It was nice, it would help us all out. Draco's mom would help pay for it if we needed it. Draco had a good relationship with his mom now that she had divorced his dad. She also came out as a lesbian. Good for Ms. Malfoy. (Pretend Sirius and Narcissa aren't related) She did keep the name Malfoy. And she took all of his money, and sent him to jail for abuse. She is honestly a queen. Narcissa was always like a mom to me, since my mom had died when I was only seven. Enough about that. It was the last day of class before break, we are going to leave for Ireland after Thanksgiving, that is if we do go. I do still pack because I am going home to my dad for Thanksgiving, then spending Christmas with my best friends. We do this every year. Well since we moved out. We would all spend Christmas together, and the parents would drive up on Christmas, stay for brunch then leave to go be with grandparents. We would all stay together though. I was currently writing a paper for my Literature class, on The Great Gatsby, and what we thought of it. I was on my conclusion, only had like twi sentences left, when Pansy yelled my name to get out into the common room. I lazily got up and walked out there. "We have decided that we are going to Irelnad." She says. "That is if you still are up for it." Blaise adds on. "Yeah of course I'm down." I reply. Pansy excitedly claps her hands. "I'm excited." She says. We all nod our head with big smiles on our face. I go back to my room after a little to finish my paper. After I turn it in, I pack to get ready to go home. I will only be gone for about a week. I leave tomorrow, and then return next Saturday. Perfect amount of time to be wig my dad, and say hi to some of my friends from home.
(AN: harry styles, louis tomlinson,niall horran, zayn malik, and liam payne are not famous, they are your bestfriends from home)
I can't wait to see them again. Don't get me wrong I love my friends now, but I have known these guys since primary school. They also come up for Christmas, along with some of my other friends, friends. After packing it was tome for dinner, we decided to just go out. We went out to a little deli, I got a salad, Pansy got a soup, Draco and Blaise got sandwiches. Once we ate, we went home and watched some movies before going to bed. I did have to be up at 5 am to get to my dads house by 8am. He lives in Doncaster. It's beautiful and I am so glad I get to say I lived there. I finally fell asleep about 1 am. Pretty early for a normal day, but really late considering how early I have to get up. I sleep for a good three hours before I get up to get ready. I decide to just get breakfast on the road.

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