Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve, Louis birthday. I was super excited. I baked his favorite "fancy" breakfast, beignets. I wanted to make this special for him. I even got him one of those minimalistic cakes. I had set out Louis presents on the couch, his mum and four sisters would be here later. I woke everyone else up, and made them get ready and everything, but not be too loud. Louis was still sleeping peacefully.

(the outfit)Once everyone is ready, we all walk into my room and wake Louis up and sing him happy birthday

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(the outfit)
Once everyone is ready, we all walk into my room and wake Louis up and sing him happy birthday. He smiles, a bright smile that radiates more light then the sun itself. I hand him his breakfast. "Did you make this yourself Y/N?" He asks. I just smile and nod my head. When he takes his first bite his eyes light up. "Oh my- this is so good. I should get you to bake these more often." He says. Zayn tries to take one. I slap his hand. "Nope, there is more outside on a plate in the kitchen." Everyone instantly scrambles out of the room to go eat the pastry I had baked. "You gonna go out and eat with them?" Louis asks. "Nope I'm going to stay with you right here." I say plopping down next to him on my bed. He just looks over and smiles at me. I give him a smile back. He just goes back to eating. "Hey Y/N, you wanna know what would make this birthday even better?" He asks. "What?" I say giving him a curious glance. "If you play me one of the songs you wrote, and could you sing?" He asks looking like a hopeful child. I just laugh and nod. I start playing a song I wrote when I was in 11th year. I named it pretty girl. (the song above) Louis just nodded his head along with my beat. When I was finished Louis clapped, then I hear more claps from the common room, everyone starts coming back in the room. "You should really sing moe often Y/N, you have an amazing voice." Zayn says. "Aww thank you, but I only sing in front of people when it's special." I say. Once everyone has finished eating, I cleaned up to make sure everything was nice for when Louis mom and sisters came, Lottie has always liked me. Sometimes Louis would joke and say she had a crush on me, when ever he said this she would go all read. I found it adorable.  Louis had opened the presents we had all gotten him. I didn't really know what ti get him, so I got him another ring. This time designer.
(I'm only showing what you got Louis)

 (I'm only showing what you got Louis)

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When Louis opened it he was shocked. "Y/N did you really have to go and buy me Gucci, jeez." He says wrapping his arms around me and bringing me close. I return the hug. "Well we have known each other forever, it's no bug deal." I say. "Yes it is." Louis says. He opens the other gifts, equally grateful. Thats is one thing I love about Louis, he is always grateful no matter what. After about another two hours of just hanging out and stuff, Louis mom and sisters arrive. They obviously go to the hotel first, then come to the apartment. Jay (Louis mom), Lottie (the oldest 17), Fizzy (the middle 15), Phoebe and Daisy (the twins 9) came in and gave Louis a huge hug. Then introduced themselves to Blaise, Pansy, and Draco. Lottie then came up to me and give me a huge hug. Louis laughed. "You guys are under the mistletoe." He says. I laugh and peck Lottie's cheek. She immediately blushes and then goes to say hi to the others. Fizzy comes up to me next and gives me a huge hug. I obviously hug back. Fizzy had gotten tall. "Well I'm glad someone is tall." I say looking at Louis and giving him a smirk. He just glares at me. Next little Phoebe and Daisy come up to me. "Hugs, you give the best hugs." Daisy says making little grabby hands. I pick her up and give her my best hug ever. "Yay, Y/N hugs." She says. I put her down and pick up Phoebe and give her my second best hug. "Thank you  boo-bear." She says. I laugh she has always called me that. Ever since she heard me call Louis Lou-bear that is. "So Phoebe calls you boo-bear?" Louis says walking up to me. "Yes she does." I say laughing. "Well the boo-bear, looks like I have a new nickname for you." Louis says. "Don't let Phoebe hear you call me that, Lottie tried to and I swear Phoebe almost bit her hand off." I say laughing at the memory. "Uhm thats weird, usually Phoebe is the nice one." Louis explains. "My sister really do live you, you do know that right?" I nod. "Yes, and I love them back." I laugh. After we eat dinner, which we went out to eat at Louis favorite restaurant, Nando's. No one complains though, we all love Nando's. Once we come back home, we bring out the cake and sing happy birthday.

(the cake)Jay takes the children and goes back to the hotel, but she promises she will come back and but the presents for everyone under the tree

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(the cake)
Jay takes the children and goes back to the hotel, but she promises she will come back and but the presents for everyone under the tree. I nod my head and close the door behind her. The nine of us just go ahead and out the presents, then go to bed, since we all knew we would be getting up early. Tonight I decided to sleep in Pansy's room, I live the boys, but I wanted to spend time with Pansy. "Hey Y/N." Pansy says when I enter the room. "Hey Pans." I respond. "Weird question, will you be my new years kiss?" She asks out of the blue. I mean it's not like we haven't kissed before. I shrug my shoulders. "Sure why not." I say. Her eyes widen, and she tackles me in a hug. I just laugh and hug back. I then direct her to the bed because frankly I'm quite tired. Pansy just keeps her head on my chest, and we go to sleep with my arm wrapped around her waist, and her head on my chest.

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